So. Much. This!
I have added the text, for this video, as best I could, in the alt text.
The video is a scene, shot through a sliding glass door. Outside, it is snowing, in the backyard. Some trees, an awning, a shed, and a small red wagon are visible.
#Trauma #CPTSD #Recovery #Abuse #SexualAbuse #Gaslighting #Violence #EmotionalTrauma #MentalTrauma #Hope #ItExists #HopeIsReal #ISupportSurvivors #IGrieveTheOnesWhoDidntSurvive #IAmASurvivor #Survivor
#Trauma #CPTSD #recovery #abuse #sexualabuse #gaslighting #violence #emotionaltrauma #mentaltrauma #hope #itexists #hopeisreal #isupportsurvivors #igrievetheoneswhodidntsurvive #iamasurvivor #survivor
RT @FranceVictimes
📌Campagne « You won’t believe it but #itexists » créée par la Fédération avec @VictimSupportEurope
Focus sur "Victoire", #victime de #violencesconjugales et comment les services de soutien de #FranceVictimes lui ont permis de sortir des #violences.
#itexists #victime #violencesconjugales #FranceVictimes #violences