On the way to work, I saw a digital billboard which had been taken over by Microsoft suggesting that the attached PC gets upgraded to Windows 11. I wish I could have taken a photo but I was driving at the time. 🤣 #ITFail
Se c’è una cosa che non sopporto nelle riunioni con i fornitori IT è la parte di presentazione iniziale: sono tutti leader di mercato, TUTTI!
La rivoluzione sarebbe se un fornitore si presentasse dicendo: facciamo il nostro lavoro, rispettiamo le scadenze e quando consegniamo, il software funziona.
I'm pretty sure that's not the name I gave to Irish Rail's seat booking system 🤔 #IrishRail #ITFail
ok... what numpty designed a system that requires a one time password sent to an email account, before you can log into said email account?
#InfosecFail #OTP #ITFail
Planned for Monday 12th: start of 2 weeks migration of cantonal network ressources 🤞
Plan for Thursday 8th and Friday 9th: remote config preparation of router and microwave equipment âś…
Explosion of all plans mid prep Thursday 9th: windows license expires for RDP jumphost, no longer access to prepare configs and rollout via CLI/NMS in customer environment 🤦
#ITFail #neteng #engineering #mpls
#itfail #neteng #engineering #mpls
What a fail, I'm not blaming #Belgian police but politics who fail to see they need to invest in proper IT solutions to prevent such breaches.
thread by @kennethdee (in dutch) how & what #camera-#data is open now.
#Fail #ITFail #ITLeak #DataBreach
cc @troyhunt @haveibeenpwned
RT @kennethdee
Hier en daar zie je 'het waren maar administratieve data'. Dat klopt niet. Er zijn heel wat gevoelige gegevens gelekt, naast pv's over bvb po…
#belgian #camera #data #fail #itfail #itleak #databreach
I worry about our pupils. We set up conditional access rules blocking anyone from signing into Microsoft 365 outside of the UK and told everyone this was the case. Some delightful pupils have been able to run VPNs on their BYOD laptops which then tells them they can’t sign in as they’re outside the country. That’s the second time this particular pupil has fallen foul of it and can’t seem to work out why it would do that…
Alle wichtigen Daten (Passwörter, Fotos etc) nun auf eigenen Server.
Neuer Server-Ram ist vermutlich defekt (Server crasht dauernd), ohne, komplett überfordert und sau langsam. WLAN-Mesh Zusammenbruch, Mesh Passwort verloren, kein zentrales Neustarten möglich. Komplettes Neuaufsetzen incoming.
Love It #badIT #it #selfhosted #selfhosting #itfail
#badit #it #selfhosted #selfhosting #itfail
Ich arbeite in einer Schule.
Die Lernende habe die Ausleih-Laptops bei uns in der IT abgeholt (frisch aufgesetzt).
Der Lehrer sagt den SchĂĽler, bereinigt zuerst den Laptop. (welche ironie, die waren neu aufgesetzt)
Ein SchĂĽler geht aufs Laufwerk C und markiert alles und drĂĽckt delete Taste....
#fail #windowstoschrott #why #itfail
Den Rest könnt ihr selbst ausdenken... Solche Tagen sind jeweils lustig.
#fail #windowstoschrott #why #itfail