A paper based on my master thesis just got published (open access): https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3609862
Ab dem Wintersemester 2023 (also dieses Jahr) gibt's an der @unimannheim ein Modul "CS666 – Digital Forensics and Incident Response", in dem ein Kollege und ich ein bisschen Wissen an Master-Student*innen und Lehramtsstudent*innen weitergebe.
Es wird interessant und cool werden.
#itforensics #incidentresponse
The 12th International #Conference on
#ITSecurity #IncidentManagement & #ITForensics (#IMF 2023)
will take place on May 23rd - 24th, 2023 at #UniBw in
#Munich, Germany.
Just as its sister conference #DIMVA, it is organized by the #GI #SIDAR group.
#conference #itsecurity #IncidentManagement #itforensics #imf #unibw #munich #DIMVA #gi #SIDAR
The 12th International #Conference on #ITSecurity #IncidentManagement & #ITForensics (#IMF 2023) is going to take place in Munich, Germany on May 23-24.
Submission deadline is Jan. 16.
#conference #itsecurity #IncidentManagement #itforensics #imf
#Linux-Distribution: #Kali-Linux 2022.4 unterstützt mehr Plattformen | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Linux-Distribution-Kali-Linux-2022-4-unterstuetzt-mehr-Plattformen-7369065.html #KaliLinux #PenTesting #PenetrationTesting #ITforensics
#itforensics #penetrationtesting #pentesting #kalilinux #kali #linux