I been thinking and i decided i should be honest with you. I KNOW that what I'm going to say may be not socially accepted but not for that is less true.
King Kong would totally would totally fucked up Godzilla.
Why politicians (and everyone who works for the state) is compelled to lie:
How to question and let go of old beliefs and liberate your mind: https://youtu.be/s8BpzJVcAA8
Squid Game and the struggle to survive under capitalism
Squid Game depicts the constant struggle for most people to survive under capitalism. What the players experience can be likened to the labor market or a job. Here is my interpretation of season one., 0:00 intro, 0:54 Squid Game is capitalism 3:48...
#squidgame #capitalism #peertube #PeertubeDiscover #ithadtobesaid
#squidgame #capitalism #PeerTube #PeertubeDiscover #ithadtobesaid
#esanbeharrazegoen #ithadtobesaid #HabíaQueDecirlo
Deitu zestapunta, xistera zein jai alai... Dagoen kirolik bixi eta bitxiena bai ala bai...
Call it zestapunta, xistera or Jai Alai, it's a swift and odd game I must say...
Llámese cestapunta, chistera o jaialai, es un deporte fino, mola y es lo que hay
#esanbeharrazegoen #ithadtobesaid #HabíaQueDecirlo