Help with tech issue please!
My son’s brand-new school Windows laptop’s battery is not lasting as long as it needs to: he uses it for one 40-minute WebEx system, which uses up 50% of the battery, and then one independent study session and one in-class session, both of which are just web-based research and/or ebook reading, and typing in Word.
We’ve turned on every battery-saving option we can find, including turning off auto load/background refreshes, turning down the screen brightness and turning the video streaming off HD. This last made the WebEx session use 40% rather than 50%, but overall he’s just left on 5% now instead of completely dead. If he has a day needing more video, or if more classes require a laptop, it’s not adequate.
It was advertised as lasting 14 hours. I know that doesn’t translate to real-world use, but 2.5 hours seems extremely poor. Is the battery a dud, is this just what WebEx/modern apps do, or is there some other setting we can play with?
#laptop #ithelp #techhelp #batterylife
Can someone PLEASE help me 🙏 I’m on a new iPhone (yes, I caved) and I can’t get into my TM app bc of this error message and I cannot figure out how to fix it. Tried a bunch of things nothing worked. Does anyone have any tips?? Thank you so much in advance!!#IThelp #java #ticketbastard
Question for Lemmy & Kbin instances. Do I need to sign up for each server individually, or is there a way to get a (Eg.) Lemmy login that'll work on any server using the software?
I've literally only looked at so my knowledge is very limited!
I like the idea of recreating Reddit here, but one of the main things I liked was bopping around finding random things, and I haven't figured out how to do that in this new world.
#ithelp #kbin #redditmigration #Lemmy
Does anyone have a high speed download link to a Windows 10 or Windows 11 ISO they could send me? The one from the MS site is brutally slow and I am pressed for time.
#it #windows #ithelp #askmastodon
#TechQuery #IThelp #WesternDigital 4TB #harddrive. (Might be My Passport, not certain). Formatted to NFTS and dumped a huge number of video files in various formats on it. Plugged it in to #Samsung Bluray player that can normally read most files, and still does for other hard drives. Doesn't recognise the drive at all. Neither does #PS4. Tried it as exFAT. Also doesn't work. Don't think FAT32 would work. Wondered if it wasn't drawing enough power maybe, but light is on. Any suggestions? Thanks!
#techquery #ithelp #westerndigital #HardDrive #samsung #ps4
I was on tumblr and I moused over and the screen changes to look like this, and I remember that this used to be a trick we played on each other, a bit of code, I can't remember how we did it, but it was a joke.
And I am wondering, is there a virus on my computer, or is it on tumblr, or is it in my browser? Any ideas?
My Birdplace download from an old suspended account is a JSON that I can't view in a browser & is stuffed with html so unreadable as txt. How do I see it in a more readable format? Im no programmer & know nothing about Python sadly. I thought you were supposed to have a browser file but there's nothing. Suggested I import it in to Excel too but not seeing how that works either. Can anyone help please? Thanks. #IThelp #FediTips #twittermigration
#ithelp #FediTips #twittermigration
If you find yourself needing to take a screenshot of your PC or mobile device, whether it's to capture a receipt, send an error message to get help or any other reason, it's nice and easy and here's how to do it.
#itsupport #ithelp #ittips #tips