Credit to my wife for thinking of it, but I wonder who from Putin's inner circle was on Luna 25....
#byenow #Putin #defenestration #ithinknot #coincidence
#Gratifying though it is to #Find that the #DVLA had placed a #TemporaryExtension on the #Expiration of #MyDrivingLicence for 11-months due to #CV19; I'm pleased to #Report the #SafeArrival of #MyNewDrivingLicence | #TopLeft #StayingEuropean
#Tellingly | #TheGreatBritishStandard is now #Positioned to #TheFarRight | #Coincidence...? #iThinkNot
🇪🇺 🌻⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🌻🇪🇺
#gratifying #find #dvla #temporaryextension #expiration #mydrivinglicence #cv19 #report #safearrival #mynewdrivinglicence #topleft #stayingeuropean #tellingly #thegreatbritishstandard #positioned #thefarright #coincidence #ithinknot #truestory #truetruetuesday
My fear: I’m gonna type enough evidence here that some kind psych professional will kindly tell me to check myself in and get tested for schizophrenia.
Even better: the only reason I have that fear is because of my mother. #SOCLICHE
WELL, can a schizophrenic individual copy-edit their high social media postings? #IThinkNot
and apparently #incredibly #stupid to boot #Elon #ElonMusk #DumpMuskForTheTusk #twitterMigration
Okay, maybe he’s not dumb as a rock but IQ 155 my a** 🤣😂🤣
#Genius #IThinkNot
#incredibly #stupid #elon #elonmusk #dumpmuskforthetusk #twittermigration #genius #ithinknot
Jem sobie słatkę i stwierdzam, że bardzo lubię paprykę. Może nawet bardziej niż pomidora! Ale czy to możliwe, aby lubić coś bardziej niż pomidora? 🍅