Pokud byste se naučili plynně mluvit jazykem Ithkuil, tak prý budete myslet až 5x rychleji, než když myslíte v nějakém obyčejném jazyce. Ale pochopitelně... tímto jazykem se mluvit nenaučíte 😉
John Quijada es el típico señor que no sabes si es un genio del bien o un genio del mal, pero que sabes, sin ninguna duda, que es un genio.
He tratado de crear una palabra en #Ithkuil, y solo he conseguido la raíz, pq cuando me he puesto a ver el resto de partes necesarias, me he abrumado.
Y eso que el #NewIthkuil es más """"fácil""""
Here is some good old fashioned Sci Fi. Next week we'll see an easy to follow guide on what to do with that hostile alien you've just crash landed on a planet with.
#art #comics #webcomic #indicomics #scifi #sciencefiction #oldschoolscifi #ithkuil
#ithkuil #oldschoolscifi #sciencefiction #SciFi #indicomics #webcomic #comics #art
I wonder if there will ever be a #Lojban Mastodon instance. Just seeing how people end up communicating would be interesting. That assumes there would be anyone to populate it. :blobcatneutral:
There is a Toki Pona instance though...
The most interesting #conlang to see people microblogging in would obvvviously be #Ithkuil though :blobcatgoogly2:
ššč eļyüțgaňëihá li sëi'a
"what a coincidence that I increasingly experience new and varied instances of witnessing something that I wish I hadn't, despite my efforts to prevent this, when I'm with you"
#ithkuil is a language with a lot of sass potential
I like to think that the hypothetical culture of #ithkuil speakers would have amazing names. "hello, I am A Purportedly Very Solid (Metaphorically) Collection of Synchronized Ambitions" "wonderful to meet you, I'm The Feeling of Almost Falling Into A Vat of Dilated Time"
lon Mun Aista Suli la lawa li lon ala. mani li lon ala. lon la, kulupu jan. tenpo suli 343 pini la mama pi mi ale li kama. ona li pana e a'ltminkaigiarţţouzva. tenpo ni la mi jo e lili, li jo e ale.
On The Great Fifth Planet, there are no laws. there is no money. what does exist is community. 343 (base 6) Jovian years ago, our ancestors came. they brought with them a political philosophy based on a coalescent set of cultural norms that are entirely without coercion. now, we have little. and we have everything.
because of the way affix degrees work, #ithkuil comes with nine built-in mealtimes. that's some hobbit shit right there, and I'm so in
"a system of political beliefs based on a coalescent arrangement of varied societal norms that are entirely lacking in coercion"
Bwahahaha 🤣 here's a complicated #conlang for ya'll 📚📚📚 #ithkuil
Watch "How the World's Most Complicated Language Works" on YouTube https://youtu.be/x_x_PQ85_0k
Llal, ksal, ţkal, pxal… And after? Learn how to count in #Ithkuil http://www.languagesandnumbers.com/how-to-count-in-ithkuil/en/ithkuil/ #conlang https://mastodon.xyz/media/uuqobXQwSmyZkFFKqpc