Don't blame it on the DHCP
Don't blame it on the BGP
Don't blame it on the OSPF
Blame it on the DNS
#GeekAPlaylist #HashtagGames #SysAdmin #Tech #IT #InfoSec #Technology #DNS #ItsAlwaysDNS #ItIsAlwaysDNS
#geekaplaylist #hashtaggames #sysadmin #tech #it #infosec #technology #dns #itsalwaysdns #itisalwaysdns
Will AI put SysOps out of work?
No, of course not.
At some point the SysOpsAI will hose the DNS server and then it's game over for it.
One of my websites just went down. Appeared that DNS entry was lost suddenly. Checking at my DNS provider is migrating to a new tool. Something must have gone wrong there. Website is not an important one, so will just wait it out.
#ProTip if you want a domain to stay online and responsive, it generally helps if the DNS servers listed for the domain are configured to host the domain.