A paper showing "that rubble pile #asteroids can survive ambient solar system bombardment processes for extremely long periods and potentially 10 times longer than their monolith counterparts", based on three regolith dust particles recovered by the #Hayabusa space probe from the rubble pile asteroid 25143 #Itokawa: https://eprints.gla.ac.uk/290972/1/290972.pdf -> ¿Y si los asteroides pila de escombros fueran casi indestructibles? Consecuencias para la defensa planetaria: https://danielmarin.naukas.com/2023/02/02/y-si-los-asteroides-pila-de-escombros-fueran-casi-indestructibles-consecuencias-para-la-defensa-planetaria/
A paper showing "that rubble pile #asteroids can survive ambient solar system bombardment
processes for extremely long periods and potentially 10 times longer than their monolith
counterparts", based on three regolith dust particles recovered by the #Hayabusa space
probe from the rubble pile asteroid 25143 #Itokawa: https://eprints.gla.ac.uk/290972/1/290972.pdf -> ¿Y si los asteroides pila de escombros fueran casi indestructibles? Consecuencias para la defensa planetaria: https://danielmarin.naukas.com/2023/02/02/y-si-los-asteroides-pila-de-escombros-fueran-casi-indestructibles-consecuencias-para-la-defensa-planetaria/
‘Puin’-asteroïden zijn verrassend lastig te vernietigen
Een onderzoeksteam denkt dat zogenaamde puin-asteroïden lastig zijn te vernietigen en dat ze zeer algemeen in ons zonnestelsel voorkomen.
#puin #itokawa #dart #dimorphos #asteroide #zonnestelsel
The study’s results showed #asteroid #Itokawa, which is 2 million kilometers from Earth and around the size of Sydney Harbour Bridge, was hard to destroy and resistant to collision.
#SpaceScience #Astronomy #sflorg
#asteroid #itokawa #spacescience #astronomy #sflorg
#GaurkoEgunez 2005. urtean, JAXAko #Hayabusa espazio-zunda #Itokawa asteroidean lurreratu zen eta asteroidearen material-ale ñimiñoak jasotzen zituen. Zunda 2003an jaurti zuten eta 2010ean itzuli zen Lurrara jasotako materialarekin.
#gaurkoegunez #hayabusa #itokawa #Espazioa #eguzkisistema
"The samples from asteroid 25143 Itokawa include not only ordinary chondrite material but also cubanite, a copper-iron-sulfide rare in the meteorite record and likely formed on a different parent body"
#materials #itokawa #space #asteroids #research
[#Actu] « Hayabusa 2 : de nouvelles images spectaculaires de l'astéroïde Ryugu » https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/actualites/astronautique-hayabusa-2-nouvelles-images-spectaculaires-asteroide-ryugu-24870/#xtor=RSS-8 #programmespatialjaponais #récoltedéchantillons #retourdéchantillons #moléculesorganiques #roverminerva-ii-1 #astéroïderyugu #astronautique #sondespatiale #atterrisseur #rovermascot #astronomie #hayabusa2 #astéroïde #itokawa #1999ju3 #minerva #àlaune #jaxa
#jaxa #àlaune #minerva #1999ju3 #itokawa #astéroïde #hayabusa2 #astronomie #rovermascot #atterrisseur #sondespatiale #astronautique #astéroïderyugu #roverminerva #moléculesorganiques #retourdéchantillons #récoltedéchantillons #programmespatialjaponais #actu