Bitte beachten: Aktuell gibt es noch häufiger auftretende Probleme bei der Datenverfügbarkeit der Echtzeitdaten, aber die Kollegen geben alles, das zu beheben und sie konstant hoch zu halten.
Wir freuen uns über viele geduldige & kontinuierliche Tester*innen und über allerlei Feedback.
Wer noch mehr infos zum Projekt haben mag, gern hier lang:
#hamburg #radfahren #Mobilitätswende #priobike #its #grünzeitprignose
#grunzeitprignose #its #priobike #Mobilitatswende #radfahren #Hamburg
Liebe Radfahrbubble in #Hamburg!
Das Projekt PrioBike bzw. die darin entwickelte App ist in der Open Beta Phase angekommen! Wer auf Android oder iOS testen mag, folgt gern dem passenden Link. Einfach in der Testumgebung von iOS oder Android anmelden und anschließend über den Invite die App herunterladen:
#radfahren #priobike #grünzeitprognose #its
#its #grunzeitprognose #priobike #radfahren #Hamburg
Aiden Ayers & Yu Su
#youtube_daviddeanburkhart #Aiden_ayers #not #enough #its #it_s #yusu #yu_su #you_su #yo_su #yo_so #indie #folk #alternative #pop #spring #chilll #time #chill_v #chill_indie #breezy #hazy #indiepop #indie_pop #dreamy #dreamy_indie #dreampop #bedroom_pop #college #google #new #2023 #lyrics #lyric #singer #Aiden_ayer #Aiden_ayers_its_not_enough #David #dean #Burkhart #ddb #radio #playlist #indie_folk #indiefolk
#youtube_daviddeanburkhart #aiden_ayers #not #enough #its #it_s #yusu #yu_su #you_su #yo_su #yo_so #indie #folk #alternative #pop #spring #chilll #time #chill_v #chill_indie #breezy #hazy #indiepop #indie_pop #dreamy #dreamy_indie #dreampop #bedroom_pop #college #google #new #lyrics #lyric #singer #aiden_ayer #aiden_ayers_its_not_enough #david #dean #burkhart #ddb #radio #playlist #indie_folk #indiefolk
I'm going to Cali to see my sister for a week. Since I am the primary caretaker, I ask my fam if they have questions about what needs to be done around the house. My eldest: What if there are monsters under my bed? Me: Tell your dad. My youngest: What if there are monsters under my bed and they want me to analyze Walt Whitman?
@symbology Wait, are we reviving the #VMS v #UNIX rivalry? Or is more of a #TOPS10 / #TOPS20 subtoot? Surely not an appeal to #multics, #its, or #os400 lovers.
(Won’t some nerd update while we’re at it?)
/cc @SDF
#tops20 #os400 #its #multics #tops10 #Unix #vms
Re @cinea_EU Funding for road transport (5⃣%) will focus on
🛣️developing Intelligent Transport Systems #ITS
🛣️establishing safe & secure parking areas
🛣️border-crossing points between 🇪🇺🇲🇩& neighbouring countries #SolidarityLanes
#CEFTransport #ConnectingEurope
#its #SolidarityLanes #CEFTransport #ConnectingEurope
Meeting w/ Mr Lim, Senior Dir. of Int. Relations & Security at MoT 🇸🇬 to further strengthen our transport relations.
Looking forward to implementing 🇪🇺-ASEAN✈️agreement, enhancing aviation security, collaborating on sustainable air &🚢transport, rail & #ITS
-Dir. Mona Bjorklund
De nieuwe #ITS Richtlijn maakt ook goede vorderingen zie ik. Van belang omdat mobiliteitsdata binnen de al van kracht zijnde High Value Data verordening heel beperkt is (tot binnenlandse waterwegen). Onder ITS vallen alle real time verkeersgegevens bijv. Nieuwe regels mbt datadelen daarin zijn van belang voor o.a. de Mobility #dataspace
In den vergangenen Jahren haben viele Praktikumsberichte meiner S* die inhaltlichen und formalen Mindestanforderungen leider nicht erfüllt. Tendenz steigend…
Aus diesem und weiteren Gründen habe ich gemeinsam mit drei mir lieben Kolleginnen das Praktikumskonzept des Bildungsganges überarbeitet. Wichtigste Neuerung: Eine #its.learning-Begleitkursvorlage für die Praktikumsbetreuung, die unterschiedliche Ressourcen und Aktivitäten zur Vor- und Nachbereitung der Praxiszeit enthält.
We welcome the agreement reached by @EUCouncil & @europarl_en on new rules to boost intelligent transport systems. 👏
A coherent roll-out is vital to tackling growing emissions & congestion problems. Making travel in 🇪🇺 safer & more efficient.
RT @sweden2023eu: #TRILOGUE | Deal! @EUCouncil and @europarl_en negotiators have today reached a provisional agreement on the roll-out of intelligent transport systems.
#ITS is vital to increas…
RT @Renew_Press: Essential #ITS should be mandatory throughout the 🇪🇺. The trans-🇪🇺 networks will have to communicate information such as access conditions to tunnels, bridges, speed limits as well as weight and size restrictions 🚫for heavy goods vehicles 🚛.
Deal reached on Intelligent Transport System!
RT @europarlpress: ‼️NEW
Deal on digital traffic data rules 🤝
Parliament and Council agreed on rules for intelligent transport systems that require more traffic data, such as on speed limits, to be available digitally #ITS 🚗🛻
RT @sweden2023eu: #TRILOGUE | Deal! @EUCouncil and @europarl_en negotiators have today reached a provisional agreement on the roll-out of intelligent transport systems.
#ITS is vital to increase road safety and tackle Europe's growing emission and congestion problems.
Deal on digital traffic data rules 🤝
Parliament and Council agreed on rules for intelligent transport systems that require more traffic data, such as on speed limits, to be available digitally #ITS 🚗🛻
#Its not just #Tennis having these discussions, more recently about white attire at #Wimbledon. Triathlon had a more graphic illustration of how women cope with their cycle when competing. More power to Pallant-Browne