Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boy's album, 'Actually'. Released this week in 1987. #petshopboys #petheads #actually #itsasin #whathaveidonetodeservethis #rent #heart
#petshopboys #petheads #actually #itsasin #whathaveidonetodeservethis #rent #heart
I finished watching It's a Sin on HBO Max. I knew it would be a tear-jerker but didn't expect it would hit so hard! I knew the series would hit hard, just not as hard as it did. I went in expecting to get a black eye and left with a punctured lung #ItsASin #RussellTDavies
Die Miniserie „It’s a sin“ geschaut und die Hauptfiguren sind in Folge 1 so berauscht von Freiheit und Lebenshunger und so liebenswert dabei,
man möchte ihnen zurufen „Ja, Sex ist toll, aber bitte nehmt Kondome!“
Die Serie #itsASin ist noch bis 3.9. in der ARD-#Mediathek zu finden.
Zahlreiche Auszeichnungen und 8,7/10 in der IMDb lügen nicht. Diese Mini-Serie ist Pflichtprogramm. 📽️
#ItsASin in der #ZDFmediathek: https://www.zdf.de/serien/its-a-sin/its-a-sin-1-100.html#xtor=CS5-433
Yesterday I watched "It's a sin" with my hubby for the first time.
A lot of people recommended this series. Unfortunately we couldn't see it as it wasn't broadcasted on free TV. Until now.
Boy, it's so good! The characters are so well written, the story is gut wrenching, and it's all based on our history.
That made me appreciate the good things that I have even more.
Ritchies Eltern wissen von nichts: Er ist schwul. Doch im London der 80er kann er seine Sexualität ausleben.
AIDS wird in den Medien 1981 ein Thema – und auch schon bald in Ritchies Leben.
Die neue, preisgekrönte Serie #ItsASin in der #ZDFmediathek.
In der ZDF-Mediathek erzählt die queere Drama-Serie „It’s a Sin“ von den Anfängen der AIDS-Pandemie in London. Paramount+ hat die Mini-Serie „The Ex-Wife“ neu im Programm. Und bei Prime Video erinnert die Horror-Comedy-Serie „The Horror of Dolores Roach“ an „Sweeney Todd“.
#ItsASin #LGBTQ #NeilPatrickHarris #Paramount+ #Queer #WasLäuftHeute
#itsasin #lgbtq #neilpatrickharris #paramount #queer #waslauftheute
Heute neu: It's a Sin bei ZDFneo #ItsASin #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys single, “It’s A Sin”. Released this week in 1987. #petshopboys #pettext #petheads #itsasin #actually #youknowwhereyouwentwrong
#petshopboys #pettext #petheads #itsasin #actually #youknowwhereyouwentwrong
Celestial Lust surpassed 10k streamings on @youtubemusic !! That's amazing! I'm so happy!! More cities and countries are listening to my songs every day!! Thank you so much and keep listening!!❤️🥰🤸🏾♂️🧜🏾♂️🎶🎼🎤🔥
#celestiallust #youtubemusic #gerson #10k #music #newmusic #greatthingsaregoingtohappen #imissthem #popmusic #pray #synthpop #likeaprayer #unholy #dancemusic #itsasin #dancefloor #pop #saveaprayer #sweden #letsdance #celestial #lust #churchgirl #church
#celestiallust #youtubemusic #gerson #10k #music #newmusic #greatthingsaregoingtohappen #imissthem #popmusic #pray #synthpop #likeaprayer #unholy #dancemusic #itsasin #dancefloor #pop #saveaprayer #sweden #letsdance #celestial #lust #churchgirl #church
Weekend is around the corner. Time to pray on the dancefloor listening to Celestial Lust!
#celestiallust #synthpop #likeaprayer #unholy #gerson #itsasin #dancefloor #popmusic #pop #saveaprayer #sweden #letsdance #celestial #lust #churchgirl #church #pray #imissthem #pray #greatthingsaregoingtohappen
#celestiallust #synthpop #likeaprayer #unholy #gerson #itsasin #dancefloor #popmusic #pop #saveaprayer #sweden #letsdance #celestial #lust #churchgirl #church #pray #imissthem #greatthingsaregoingtohappen
It's a Sin: Free-TV-Premiere im Juli bei ZDFneo #ItsASin @ZDFneo
"I love to pray with u
I know you want me too..."
Did u already listen to Celestial Lust today?
Já escutou Celestial Lust hoje?
#celestiallust #synthpop #likeaprayer #unholy #gerson #itsasin #dancefloor #popmusic #pop #saveaprayer #sweden #letsdance #celestial #lust #churchgirl #church #pray #imissthem #greatthingsaregoingtohappen
#celestiallust #synthpop #likeaprayer #unholy #gerson #itsasin #dancefloor #popmusic #pop #saveaprayer #sweden #letsdance #celestial #lust #churchgirl #church #pray #imissthem #greatthingsaregoingtohappen
Celestial Lust - The Playlist is a compilation of songs that has the Celestial Lust vibes! Play it and enjoy the party!
Celestial Lust - The Playlist é uma compilação de músicas que têm a mesma vibe de Celestial Lust! Aproveite a festa!
#celestiallust #synthpop #likeaprayer #unholy #gerson #itsasin #dancefloor #popmusic #pop #saveaprayer #sweden #letsdance #celestial #lust #churchgirl #church #pray #imiss
#celestiallust #synthpop #likeaprayer #unholy #gerson #itsasin #dancefloor #popmusic #pop #saveaprayer #sweden #letsdance #celestial #lust #churchgirl #church #pray #imiss
Celestial Lust, the second single from my album, is available now on all digital platforms! Listen on Spotify:
#celestiallust #synthpop #likeaprayer #unholy #gerson #itsasin #dancefloor #popmusic #pop #saveaprayer #sweden #letsdance #celestial #lust #churchgirl #church #pray #imissthem
#celestiallust #synthpop #likeaprayer #unholy #gerson #itsasin #dancefloor #popmusic #pop #saveaprayer #sweden #letsdance #celestial #lust #churchgirl #church #pray #imissthem
Welcome to the AIDS ARCHIVE channel.
Here I’ll be posting direct a variety of TV programmes related to #AIDS #HIV & #HTLVIII that I recorded in the early 1980s & 90s. Also some newspaper articles & other stuff!
If you watched #ItsASin here is #40yearsofHIV as it happened
Here’s an intro:
#aids #HIV #htlviii #itsasin #40yearsofhiv
#DrWho hatte mich in den letzten beiden Regenerationen etwas verlassen. Vor allen Dingen mit dem Handlungsstrang um das "Timeless Child" kann ich mich nicht so recht anfreunden.
Und da habe ich doch gar nicht mitbekommen, dass nicht nur #DavidTennant zurückkommt, nein auch #RusselTDavis kehrt nach einem Jahrzehnt, in dem er sein Schaffen nochmal deutlich weiter entwickelt hat (schaut #ItsASin), zurück zum Doktor.
#drwho #davidtennant #russeltdavis #itsasin
Quick reminder that #ItsASin is amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnR5DxP2e2g