The Evening Post: How To Survive Summer In The South
Look there's no way to sugarcoat Summer in the South. It's rough and we're sweatin' just thinking about it. Here's 10 tips to up your survival chances this June - Mid November!
#TheEveningPostStuff #HowToSurviveSummerInTheSouth #ItsASouthernThing #YouTube
#theeveningpoststuff #howtosurvivesummerinthesouth #itsasouthernthing #youtube
“If Bad Monograms Had Support Groups” By It’s a Southern Thing 😂😂
#ItsASouthernThing #Humor #Funny #Video
#video #funny #humor #itsasouthernthing
“The Perfect Horn For Southern Drivers”
#ItsASouthernThing #Humor #Funny #Video
#video #funny #humor #itsasouthernthing
Dear Mastodon:
For your viewing pleasure:
“The Pawpaws Are Plotting” by It’s a Southern Thing
#Humor #Funny #Video #ItsASouthernThing #Southerners #America
PS: More to follow. 🧵
#america #southerners #itsasouthernthing #video #funny #humor
Hilarious #video by It’s a Southern Thing: If Bad Monograms Had Support Groups
#Funny #Humor #Monogram #itsasouthernthing
#itsasouthernthing #monogram #humor #funny #video