The first Monday after the conference is over and I have taken email notifications off my phone.
#HappyMonday #ConferencePlanning #CongreSSH #PhDLife #AcademicConference #ItsFinished #AllDone #HigherEd #Academia #Email
#email #academia #highered #alldone #itsfinished #academicconference #phdlife #congressh #conferenceplanning #happymonday
I've been working on this vest for a MONTH! And you've seen some of the construction photos (on previous server). Well the full vid is up! See my Raven Vest at #SewingProject #ItsFinished #Finally #Sewing @sewing
#sewingproject #itsfinished #finally #sewing
I've been working on this vest for a MONTH! And you've seen some of the construction photos (on previous server). Well the full vid is up! See my Raven Vest at #SewingProject #ItsFinished #Finally #Sewing @sewing
#sewingproject #itsfinished #finally #sewing