In response to systemic injustice and structural violence, we the people of planet Earth are waging nonviolent revolution. Torrington City Council meeting at 6:30pm tonight. Arrive a few minutes early to organize and vibe.
#connecticut #ct #stillrevolutionary #stillstillrevolutionary #torringtonct #itshappeninghere #revolutionarynonviolence #revolution #nonviolence #realjustice #realpeace #onehumanfamily #onefamilyofcreation #maypeaceprevailonearth #makepeaceprevailonearth
#organize #freedom
#connecticut #ct #stillrevolutionary #stillstillrevolutionary #torringtonct #itshappeninghere #revolutionarynonviolence #revolution #nonviolence #realjustice #realpeace #onehumanfamily #onefamilyofcreation #maypeaceprevailonearth #makepeaceprevailonearth #organize #freedom
Apparently this is considered a viable marketing tactic after all.
"I won't have to lose 2 weeks of development a year fleeing a hurricane." @ImmersedGames
#Buffalo is the 4th safest region from natural disasters #itshappeninghere