Pausing to admire the lack of advertising on Mastodon. Also, it’s like keywords for my keywords about keywords all up in here, otherwise known as hashtags. #twitterisdead #twittermigration #itsnicehere #ByeByeBirdie #fediverse #twitterexodus
#twitterexodus #Fediverse #ByeByeBirdie #itsnicehere #twittermigration #twitterisdead
Pausing to admire the lack of advertising on Mastodon. Also, it’s like keywords for my keywords about keywords all up in here, otherwise known as hashtags. #twitterisdead #twittermigration #itsnicehere #ByeByeBirdie #fediverse #twitterexodus
#twitterexodus #Fediverse #ByeByeBirdie #itsnicehere #twittermigration #twitterisdead
Hi all! I’m a mountain biker, knitter, Virginia’s Blue Ridge Cycling Ambassador, lover of: design, gardening, books, coffee, animals, cooking, and passionate believer that more people riding bicycles can change the world. #intropost #itsnicehere
Anyone brand new who happens to read this—be patient with your Mastodon server hosts—things might be a bit wonky tonight/for a few days I’ve seen a few issues with posts and favorites just today, but persistence pays off. The server folks will sort it. They don’t get fazed by spiking stats (from what I’ve seen so far). #TwitterMigration #ItsNiceHere
#itsnicehere #twittermigration