Per Victor Shi:
«So, let me get this straight: yesterday the #SupremeCourt ruled colleges CAN’T discriminate on the basis of race but today they ruled that a web designer CAN discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community? Sorry, but this Court is so freaking messed up.»
#supremecourt #discrimination #lgbtq #scotus #itsnotanormalcourt
You're asking me how I would describe the current #SupremeCourt of the #UnitedStates?
Ok. I call it the TITO Effect.
Trash In, Trash Out
#supremecourt #unitedstates #tito #recallclarencethomas #impeachclarencethomas #screwclarencethomas #clarencethomasiscorrupt #recallsamalito #impeachsamalito #screwsamalito #samalitoiscorrupt #scotus #scotusiscorrupt #itsnotanormalcourt #recalljohnroberts #impeachjohnroberts #screwjohnroberts #johnrobertsiscorrupt
#ClarenceThomas should put his money where his stupid mouth is and step down as a #SupremeCourt #Justice. After all, by his own admission, he only got there precisely because of #AffirmativeAction.
#ItsNotANormalCourt #SCOTUS
#clarencethomas #supremecourt #justice #affirmativeaction #recallclarencethomas #impeachclarencethomas #itsnotanormalcourt #scotus
People are asking "What can the president do?"
Expand the Supreme Court, Joe.
Expand the Supreme Court.
There are 13 districts in the #US, yet only nine Justices in the #SCOTUS.
#America needs 13 Justices. Not next year. Not after the next election. Now.
#us #scotus #america #corruptscotus #itsnotanormalcourt
Yes, #MikePence is a #dumbass
«“There may have been a time, fifty years ago, when we needed to affirmatively take steps to correct long-term #RacialBias in institutions of higher #education. But I can tell you as the father of three college graduates, those days are long over,” Pence said Thursday. Those three children are all white.»
#mikepence #dumbass #racialbias #education #republicansaretheproblem #compromisedscotus #itsnotanormalcourt #voteblue