I went to look for fishing lures and replacement hooks yesterday and jfc, fishing is a whole different beast in this country...
I was _almost_ ready for the casual misogynistic bs (it's one of the reasons I've avoided actual stores so far), but I was NOT ready for the eye rolls and exasperated sighs in response to my search for...*clutches pearls*... Single, BARBLESS replacement hooks for my lures. 🙄
#itsnotrocketscience #troutfishing #Fishing
Ich glaube, dass diese Nation sich dazu verpflichten sollte, noch vor dem Ende dieses Jahrzehnts das Ziel zu erreichen, keine fossilen Brennstoffe zu verfeuerm und den CO2 Ausstoß auf 0 zu reduzieren.
More #CleanAirIndoors
Schools, Shops, Offices
RT @leafbookshop@twitter.com
Happy New Year everyone! May you get all the clean air you wish for... #2023 #NewYear #CovidIsNotOver #ItsNotRocketScience #WearAMask
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/leafbookshop/status/1609045127204405249
#itsnotrocketscience #cleanairindoors #cleanair2023 #newyear #covidisnotover #WearAMask
RT @leafbookshop@twitter.com
We reckon that your only worry should be choosing a book...
How we keep you safe from airborne Covid :
- Ventilation
- CO2 Monitoring
- HEPA Filters
- Masks
We hand out free masks.
Thanks to @CO2RadicalAus@twitter.com for excellent monitors.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/leafbookshop/status/1606102388787625984
#COVIDisAirborne #itsnotrocketscience #books
RT @leafbookshop@twitter.com
We reckon that your only worry should be choosing a book...
How we keep you safe from airborne Covid :
- Ventilation
- CO2 Monitoring
- HEPA Filters
- Masks
We hand out free masks.
Thanks to @CO2RadicalAus@twitter.com for excellent monitors.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/leafbookshop/status/1606102388787625984
#COVIDisAirborne #itsnotrocketscience #books
RT @leafbookshop@twitter.com
We reckon that your only worry should be choosing a book...
How we keep you safe from airborne Covid :
- Ventilation
- CO2 Monitoring
- HEPA Filters
- Masks
We hand out free masks.
Thanks to @CO2RadicalAus@twitter.com for excellent monitors.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/leafbookshop/status/1606102388787625984
#COVIDisAirborne #itsnotrocketscience #books
Ja, liebe Mitflieger:Innen das sie kein Personal haben könnte ein Grund sein. Dass Du keine Maske trägst wie 95% der Menschen auf diesem Flughafen ist sicherlich einer der Gründe.
Dear co traveler, yes they don't have enough personal, you with the 95% of people here in this airport not wearing a mask is certainly one of the reasons.
via @Lifewithatowel