I should also point out that there were 4 people playing pickleball in the sports court yesterday in the pouring rain.

Still getting used to the following things here:

1) People outside in the pouring rain in t-shirts and shorts and sneakers (dripping wet)
2) People driving exactly the speed limit, and coming to complete stops everywhere, and not passing on the right (maybe this is more true outside Seattle where I am)
3) Back-in parking - I know its required a few places in Seattle, but I see it all over the place. It's illegal, or at least highly frowned upon, almost everywhere I've driven except here.
4) Generally, the lack of aggressive driving (not totally absent, but compared to the bay area, the driving here seems downright pleasant and convivial)

#pnw #seattle #onbrand #duvall #itsokbyme

Last updated 1 year ago

The week before I moved to Duvall, WA, it was 85 in Seattle (at my daughter's UW commencement).

A week and a half later, we did the "final move" up here, and its 55 and raining every day.

#seattle #onbrand #itsokbyme

Last updated 1 year ago