1. Mental illness doesn't shoot people. Guns do.
2. If God is "absolutely in control of everyone's life," then it *caused* this gun owner to murder people, and trying to shift the blame to mental health is asinine since "god" would have *caused* that too. 😒
Can these pro-gun fools even hear themselves? No. No they cannot.
#itstheguns #itsthegunsandtherepublicans #repeal2a
Representative #KeithSelf, Republican who represents Allen, TX, said on CNN that critics who are calling for more than “thoughts and prayers” after Saturday’s shooting “don’t believe in almighty God, who is absolutely in control of our lives.” Instead, he said, the country’s lack of “mental health institutions” is to blame. 🤦
#keithself #itstheguns #itsthegunsandtherepublicans #repeal2a
The chief of police in Allen, Texas, did not identify the responsible gun owner but said the person acted alone.
Nope, he acted in coordination with every single politician who has opposed reasonable gun regulations and restrictions. They are complicit in EVERY MASS SHOOTING.
#itsthegunsandtherepublicans #repeal2a
@lovelylovely Meanwhile, the gun-clutching white bros keep pretending that more guns in more people's hands will somehow *reduce* gun violence. 🤦
Not liking this trend...no one died in this one at least.
#ItsTheGuns #ItsTheGunsAndTheRepublicans
Armed 73-year-old chases teens, orders them to lie on ground and then shoots, cops say - The Kansas City Star
#itstheguns #itsthegunsandtherepublicans
This is the s.o.b. who murdered Kaylin Gillis just because she turned into the wrong driveway.
They were trying to turn the car around when the homeowner, Kevin Monahan, 65, came out onto his porch and fired two shots, according to Washington County Sheriff Jeffrey Murphy. One round hit Gillis.
#voteblueeveryelection #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #GOPGunsOverPeople #cancelthegop #VoteThemAllOut #itsthegunsandtherepublicans
#itsthegunsandtherepublicans #VoteThemAllOut #cancelthegop #GOPGunsOverPeople #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #voteblueeveryelection
This is the bastard who shot Ralph Yarl because he rang the wrong doorbell.
84-year-old Andrew Lester
Lester has been charged with first-degree assault and armed criminal action. A warrant has been issued for the man’s arrest; his bond has been set at $200,000.
#voteblueeveryelection #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #GOPGunsOverPeople #cancelthegop #VoteThemAllOut #itsthegunsandtherepublicans
Man who murdered Everett police officer sentenced to life in prison
>Richard Rotter was convicted on April 3 for the March 2022 murder of officer Dan Rocha.
#banassualtweapons #gunreform #guncontrol #voteblueeveryelection #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #GOPGunsOverPeople #cancelthegop #VoteThemAllOut #itsthegunsandtherepublicans
RT @williams95alice
Who's worse?
The monsters who slaughter children with AR-15's?
Or the Republican monsters who watch school shootings happen over and over and over, and continue to take NRA blood money to do nothing about it?
#ItsTheGunsAndTheRepublicans #ProudBlue #VoteOutEveryRepublican
#itsthegunsandtherepublicans #proudblue #voteouteveryrepublican
RT @Petethehawkeye
@sunsungirly #ItsTheGunsAndTheRepublicans Every damn day it seems. This sucks. How many will it take?!?!?!? Vote out anyone who is on the #NRABloodMoney money train.
#itsthegunsandtherepublicans #nrabloodmoney
RT @williams95alice
We’ve had another mass shooting. This isn’t normal. Republicans are hijacking our country with their sick, twisted gun fetish and people are dying! When will this insanity ever end?
#freshwords #itsthegunsandtherepublicans
RT @cliffschecter
WATCH HERE!! https://youtube.com/shorts/xrpWk0zC2dM?feature=share
#wednesdaythought #WednesdayMotivation #RepublicansAreTheProblem #ItsTheGuns #ItsTheGunsAndTheRepublicans
#wednesdaythought #wednesdaymotivation #republicansaretheproblem #itstheguns #itsthegunsandtherepublicans
RT @cliffschecter@twitter.com
WATCH HERE!! https://youtube.com/shorts/xrpWk0zC2dM?feature=share
#wednesdaythought #WednesdayMotivation #RepublicansAreTheProblem #ItsTheGuns #ItsTheGunsAndTheRepublicans
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cliffschecter/status/1641115090299629571
#wednesdaythought #wednesdaymotivation #republicansaretheproblem #itstheguns #itsthegunsandtherepublicans