Why aren’t billionaires and multinationals trumpeting and rejoicing that they’ve corrupted capitalism so much that record company profits and record housing stress no longer creates #CognitiveDissonance ?
Because they’re not finished yet. There is not enough inequality for their liking. There are not enough working poor. They want more. #ItsTheSystem #ChangeTheSystem
#cognitivedissonance #itsthesystem #changethesystem
“Sixty-six people earned an average of $14.5 million in 2020-21. None of them paid a cent in tax”
How many were clients of #PWC? #ItsTheSystem #ChangeTheSystem
#pwc #itsthesystem #changethesystem
“Victorian private schools ‘fearmongering’ over job losses after tax exemptions axed, experts say”
Private schools could accept slightly reduced profits and slightly less public money in their trust accounts but I guess that’s not how business works. #ItsTheSystem #ChangeTheSystem
#itsthesystem #changethesystem
“To eat or not to eat? The fight over Tasmanian salmon”
We have an amazing ability to #ScrewThePooch
#ItsTheSystem #ChangeTheSystem
#screwthepooch #itsthesystem #changethesystem
“RBA rate hikes creating inflation, top economist says, calling for radical policy overhaul”
Good call #RossGarnaut. When the #ReserveBank works in the interests of a smaller and wealthier group of institutions, the outcomes for the rest of us will necessarily become worse. #ItsTheSystem #ChangeTheSystem
#rossgarnaut #reservebank #itsthesystem #changethesystem
Why business is no longer worrying about keeping the customer satisfied
The abject failure of governance #ItsTheSystem #ChangeTheSystem
#itsthesystem #changethesystem
'Litany of failures': Reserve Bank governor grilled over rate hikes, rejects calls for his resignation
It’s not that #PhilipLowe isn’t doing his job - he is. It’s just that his job is to preserve bank profits no matter the sacrifice by mortgage holders. #ItsTheSystem #ChangeTheSystem
#philiplowe #itsthesystem #changethesystem
Portugal Catholic clergy sexually abused nearly 5,000 minors: inquiry
“Most perpetrators were priests and most of the victims were boys aged 10-14”
Same story everywhere around the world but Roman Catholic Church refuses to admit #ItsTheSystem