#ItTakesAThief s2e2 (1968) - 9/10
1️⃣ This show is a blast. It’s like a 51-minute party every time! Remarkable, when you consider that two (minor) characters get murdered on screen.
2️⃣ The guest stars - #SuzannePleshette, #HarveyLembeck, #BruceGordon, #GinoConforti - get strong roles and all appear to be having fun with the material.
#ittakesathief #suzannepleshette #harveylembeck #brucegordon #ginoconforti
For May-June 2023, my #ClassicTV #WatchList looks something like this:
#AcapulcoHEAT #Batman #BostonBlackie #Branded #TheBurningZone #HarryO #Highlander #HillStreetBlues #ItTakesAThief #KungFuTheLegendContinues #MagnumPI #McCloud #MikeHammer #MissionImpossible #MollyDodd #RudeAwakening #TheStreetsOfSanFrancisco #30Rock #Vegas #Viper
#ClassicTV #ClassicTelevision
#90sTV #80sTV #70sTV #60sTV #40sMovies
#classictv #watchlist #acapulcoheat #batman #bostonblackie #branded #theburningzone #harryo #highlander #hillstreetblues #ittakesathief #kungfuthelegendcontinues #magnumpi #mccloud #mikehammer #missionimpossible #mollydodd #rudeawakening #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #30rock #vegas #viper #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv #40smovies
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 13 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #aspen #thebionicwoman #thefamousteddyz #frasier #highwaypatrol #missionimpossible #thesixmilliondollarman #almostperfect #branded #buffalobill #Columbo #hillstreetblues #ittakesathief #kungfuthelegendcontinues #benson #magnumpi #santabarbara #viper #areyoubeingserved #fernwoodtonight #idreamofjeannie #superforce #wonderwoman #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #vegas
#ItTakesAThief s1e16 (1968) - 9/10
1️⃣ #HermioneGingold steals the show. Easily. But this is an exceptionally strong guest cast. #SheilaLarken (#TheXFiles) and #StuartMargolin (#TheRockfordFiles) among them. And everyone looks to be having a lot of fun.
#ittakesathief #hermionegingold #sheilalarken #thexfiles #stuartmargolin #therockfordfiles
54 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S2E26: Mad in Japan
Airdate: 1969-04-22
#ItTakesaThief #RobertWagner #ABC #ClassicTV
#ittakesathief #RobertWagner #abc #classictv
#ItTakesAThief s1e15 (1968) - 8/10
What a fun idea!
1️⃣ The stolen orb at the centre of this tale has been booby-trapped. But nobody, except the villains, knows that it has a bomb inside. Al’s job is to return it... but he loses it! As it travels from person to person, getting bumped around, we keep waiting for it to explode.
2️⃣ Great guest cast in this one. #BenMurphy, #BrendaBenet, #DonKnight and #JPatOMalley all get key moments. But #LyndaDayGeorge, who originally stole the orb, really shines.
#ittakesathief #benmurphy #brendabenet #donknight #jpatomalley #lyndadaygeorge
55 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S1E14: Locked in the Cradle of the Keep
Airdate: 1968-04-16
#ItTakesaThief #RobertWagner #ABC #tvseries
#ittakesathief #RobertWagner #abc #tvseries
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 12 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #aspen #frasier #gvse #banacek #branded #FamousFive #foreverknight #ittakesathief #peoplelikeus #almostperfect #benson #theboldones #carolineinthecity #hillstreetblues #hyperionbay #idreamofjeannie #inbedwithmedinner #santabarbara #areyoubeingserved #isis #justshootme #dustystrail #beyondwestworld #kungfuthelegendcontinues #talesfromthecrypt
#ItTakesAThief s1e14 (1968) - 9/10
Terrific thriller. Fun!
1️⃣ The lengthy action sequence that opens the episode is very impressive. A lot of climbing as well as running.
2️⃣ The story is ingenious. The only person who knows what Al is supposed to steal has been killed!
3️⃣ The actresses (#CelesteYarnall, #MartiStevens) are beautiful, are given plenty to do and appear to be having enormous fun.
#ittakesathief #celesteyarnall #martistevens
55 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S1E12: Turnabout
Airdate: 1968-04-02
#ItTakesaThief #RobertWagner #ABC #TV
#ittakesathief #RobertWagner #abc #tv
55 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S1E9: When Good Friends Get Together
The Prince of an Asian country is visiting the US. There are concerns that an assassination attempt could happen. Mundy is asked to join the prince's house hold and try and spot any potential threats
Airdate: 1968-03-12
#ItTakesaThief #ABC #Television
#ittakesathief #abc #television
55 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S1E5: One Illegal Angel
Airdate: 1968-02-13
#ItTakesaThief #ABC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#ittakesathief #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
55 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S1E5: One Illegal Angel
Airdate: 1968-02-13
#ItTakesaThief #ABC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#ittakesathief #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
54 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S2E17: A Matter of Grey Matter (2)
Airdate: 1969-02-11
#ItTakesaThief #ABC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#ittakesathief #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
54 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S2E16: A Matter of Grey Matter (1)
Airdate: 1969-02-04
#ItTakesaThief #ABC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#ittakesathief #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
54 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S2E16: A Matter of Grey Matter (1)
Airdate: 1969-02-04
#ItTakesaThief #ABC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#ittakesathief #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
Marilyn McCoo was so beautiful--and what a gorgeous voice.
#ittakesathief #us1970stv #thefifthdimension
54 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S2E13: Guess Who's Coming to Rio?
Airdate: 1969-01-07
#ItTakesaThief #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#ittakesathief #classictv #tv #television
54 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S2E12: To Catch a Roaring Lion
Airdate: 1968-12-31
#ItTakesaThief #ClassicTV #TV
54 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S2E12: To Catch a Roaring Lion
Airdate: 1968-12-31
#ItTakesaThief #TV