In einem anderen Land leben kann schon aufregend (positiv wie negativ) sein, aber sobald man Kinder hat, denkt man (zumindest ich) da doch anders. #ittakesavillage #müde
RT @sarsch79
So incredibly blessed to have such great relationships w/colleagues across all spectrums of MCS. #ItTakesAVillage #LVADcandidacy GREAT co-moderators and excellent speakers! Great work on the #pechakucha format this year! @ISHLT #ishlt2023 @melissacousino @VADCoordinator
#ittakesavillage #lvadcandidacy #pechakucha #ishlt2023
127th Boston Marathon done -- well, 127 is the edition, this is my first 😜.
What a fun race! the crowd is unbelievable.
Thank you all for the support, especially my wife, my family from afar, friends, the team mates... #ittakesavillage
#Running #BostonMarathon #BostonStrong #OneBoston
#ittakesavillage #Running #bostonmarathon #BostonStrong #oneboston
It didn't matter the birth mother reached out to the nurse they treated her like a criminal. This is wrong and she needs to seek an attorney to see what she can do because the state should never be allowed to punish someone for adopting a child in need no matter how the birth mother met them or whether they are a nurse. This is awful and she should not be forced to do anything as punishment. #outrageous #ittakesavillage
W08D7 long run complete
today my wife doubled as a Sherpa and followed me on the bike with my fluids
#Running #ItTakesAVillage
Excited to share that we have released a #Free version of @CareAlign for any person/team to use for HIPAA compliant, shared multidisciplinary tasking. Our goal is to empower #HCW so they can save time & provide better care
Http:// (choose the free one!)
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#ittakesavillage #Math #yearsofthevariants #anticoronahumor
In Jan-Jun 2022, nearly 1,000 kids from #Gaza missed medical appointments for not having timely exit permits. Ahlam’s story shows how joint efforts can help people. #ItTakesAVillage. #WorldHumanitarianDay
#gaza #ittakesavillage #worldhumanitarianday
Hosted by the #WestBank community of Jayyus whose access to +5K dunums of agricultural land has been lost/restricted by the barrier. 🇵🇸farmers, local & int'l partners working together to bring humanit+legal assistance #WorldHumanitarianDay #ItTakesAVillage
#westbank #worldhumanitarianday #ittakesavillage
@mildpeach @gwynnion why are some people more responsible/ mature/ competent than others? Individual temperament may be part of it but upgringing and cultural norms help too. #ItTakesAVillage to raise a child to be a responsible member of the group.
In a work context, who is a good team leader? Someone who has seen good examples and who has opportunity and support to take that role themselves. If the opportunities are held only to the same narrow group the skills won't be developed or seen.
When you (and by ”you” I mean Trashpanda) are suddenly dealing with the death of one parent & elder care for the other, and the polycule has a librarian, a VA accountant, a social worker, and an environmental engineer. #ItTakesAVillage
Voor iedereen die het bericht over de zorgwekkende vermissing sinds 11 januari van het 13- jarige meisje heeft gedeeld, vers van de pers: ZE IS TERECHT!!!! Willen jullie foto's ed deleaten! Dank voor het meekijken #ItTakesAVillage
Vancouver cyclist Philip Marciniak demonstrates his v-plow-equipped ebike clearing sidewalks for other cyclists.
Community-minded folks like this make a difference.
#ittakesavillage #vancouver #ebikesnowplow #communityspirit
@bmaz My triplets are almost 25. People used to tell me that God knew that I could handle triplets. I used to reply that SHE greatly overestimated my abilities. Couldn't of survived without husband, family, neighbors, teachers--even that nice woman at the grocery store #ItTakesAVillage
#twin #triplets #multiples
#ittakesavillage #twin #triplets #multiples
🐨 Koalas aren’t lazy, they just eat a food that contains very little energy 🤦🏻♀️.
10 Second Facts from You Can Teach Science. Fun facts for kids, support with science for parents & teachers 💓
#Science #ScienceEducation #ScienceForKids #ScienceSupport #ItTakesAVillage
#science #scienceeducation #scienceforkids #sciencesupport #ittakesavillage
If you’re not based in #London, you probably have a baby bank near you - here’s a map👇
I know things are really tough for so many people - donating and volunteering are not possible. But if you can, simply sharing news and appeals from your local baby bank can help
It takes a village, as Little Village would say ❤️
#childpoverty #ittakesavillage #littlevillage #babybanks #London
Did you know 4.2 million children live in poverty in the UK - and 1.3 million of those children are babies and children under 5?
I’ve recently started volunteering at Little Village, a baby bank network in London. I’ve been packing up pre-loved clothes and equipment for families with young children, all donated by people who want to help.
I wonder if you could join them …?
A thread 🧵
#ChildPoverty #BabyBanks #Volunteering #ItTakesAVillage #LittleVillage
#littlevillage #ittakesavillage #volunteering #babybanks #childpoverty
@madamscientist tx! #GoodToKnow
Given the apprenticeship model we are still using, it is no wonder that we identify with our mentors, and identify trainees as our disciples. Language matters. And using collective Pronouns, as you suggest, is indeed morw respectful and more accurate. #ittakesavillage