#Stadia's shutdown was heartbreaking but thankfully #Google refunded everything I have purchased and unlocked the controller for Bluetooth connection. Me and my wife started playing #ItTakesTwo on the #SteamDeck today and using the controllers brought back pleasant memories. #gaming #gamingonlinux
#stadia #google #ittakestwo #SteamDeck #gaming #gamingonlinux
Hey! It's Shenanigans Saturday, wherein I play It Takes Two with @twenty20sight and things get silly, probably. Come hang out with us for a bit!
#Streaming #Gamer #Gaming #CaptionsOn #NoCamera #ItTakesTwo
#streaming #gamer #gaming #captionson #nocamera #ittakestwo
What?! Is it Saturday?! Is it TIME FOR SHENANIGANS?! IT IS! I'm playing It Takes Two with @twenty20sight and I'm Officially Inviting y'all to join us for the shenanigans!
#Streaming #ItTakesTwo #NoCamera #CaptionsOn #chill #Gamer #Gaming
#streaming #ittakestwo #nocamera #captionson #chill #gamer #gaming
Whaaat? A Stream?! Yup, it's Saturday Shenanigans with @twenty20sight and we're workin' our way through It Takes Two! Pull up a chair and hang out with us while we figure out what's goin' on around here.
#Streaming #Gamer #ItTakesTwo #NoCamera #CaptionsOn
#streaming #gamer #ittakestwo #nocamera #captionson
Das Koop-Spiel #ItTakesTwo steht bei #xCloud, #PSplusPremium & #GeForceNow zur Verfügung. Wie ich das Game bei #GFN mit einem myteriösen Koop-Partner spiele, ohne es mir zu kaufen? Das verrate ich euch im neuen #FirstLook-Video 👉 https://youtu.be/gRPmHUp1CpA
#ittakestwo #xcloud #pspluspremium #geforcenow #GFN #firstlook #cloudgaming #koop
Non vuole essere spot dell'abbonamento, solo uno spunto per parlare di #videogiochi che probabilmente toccherò nei prossimi giorni avendo ps+ext (per DiabloIV e nuova stagione che altro)
#ItTakesTwo PS45, meraviglioso gioco cooperativo, da divano e online, tra le maggiori espressioni di collaborazione videoludica esistenti
#Snowrunner PS45 vers. base, lo scopo è il desiderio di ricreare la sensazione di guidare robe in contesti ambientali impossibili, nel modo più realistico ⤵️
#videogiochi #ittakestwo #Snowrunner
Whaaaat?! Live?! Gaming!? On a saturday?! You betcha; it's Saturday Shenanigans with @twenty20sight and y'all are invited to join me!
#Gamer #Streaming #Gaming #ItTakesTwo #CaptionsOn #NoCamera
#gamer #streaming #gaming #ittakestwo #captionson #nocamera
📅 #NOTICIAS: #PlayStationPlus 📰
Novedades como #SnowRunner #SniperElite5 #ItTakesTwo y muchos más disponibles para suscriptores a partir del 18 de julio.
🌐Info: https://www.slayers.es/2023/07/playstation-plus-anuncia-sus-novedades.html
#️⃣Tags: #rol #aventura #acción #PS4 #PS5 #PSVR2 @playstationes #PlayStation #sony
#noticias #playstationplus #SnowRunner #sniperelite5 #ittakestwo #tags #rol #aventura #accion #PS4 #ps5 #psvr2 #playstation #sony
It'll take more than two to play these games!
PlayStation Plus Game Catalog & Classics for July: It Takes Two, Sniper Elite 5, Twisted Metal https://blog.playstation.com/2023/07/12/playstation-plus-game-catalog-classics-for-july-it-takes-two-sniper-elite-5-twisted-metal/
#PlayStationPlus #Sony #ItTakesTwo #SniperElite5 #TwistedMetal #GamingNews
#playstationplus #sony #ittakestwo #sniperelite5 #twistedmetal #gamingnews
Die neuen #PlaystationPlus #Extra und #Premium Titel sind da und wie gewohnt auch per #Cloudgaming verfügbar (Konsole + PC).
Darunter Highlights wie:
Was für euch dabei?
#PlaystationPlus #extra #premium #cloudgaming #ittakestwo #SniperElite5 #undertale #Snowrunner #teamcloud
Anyone playing #ItTakesTwo? Is it good? #gaming https://www.ea.com/games/it-takes-two/about
Confirmo que lo segundo mejor del #ItTakesTwo es putear un poco a tu compi. Pero desde el amor, vale?
Hey! What? A stream?! You betcha; I'm playing It Takes Two with @twenty20sight and we're BOTH streaming, so ... let the Saturday Shenanigans begin!
#Streaming #NoCamera #ItTakesTwo #Gaming
#streaming #nocamera #ittakestwo #gaming
美しい時計塔ステージで2人の仲が急接近!?【It Takes Two】#8 https://www.vivizine.com/286667/
今回は「It Takes Two」をプレイ! 前回( https://youtu.be/YHtNjeDxPQ8 )、宮田と玉森で進めた物語の続きを有岡と宮田で進めて行きます。 魔法で人形になってしまった離婚目前の夫婦コーディとメイが、元の姿に戻るための手掛かりとなる「娘の手紙の切れ端」を集めるために挑む次のステージは鳩時計の中!? 相変わらずの美麗グラフィックと面白ギミックの数々に2人で感動しっぱなしです! メンバー:有岡大貴、宮田俊哉 「It Takes Two」再生リスト→https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiINmUDcaLpmOB7xr-VllseJfy84cMClQ #JohnnysGamingRoom #ジャニーズ #ItTakesTwo ●チャンネル登録 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmTVIw2ZCJg49XHR0OoSAg?sub_confirmation=1 ●Twitter Tweets by JGR_info ●Johnny’s net http://www.johnnys-net.jp/
#johnnysgamingroom #ジャニーズ #ittakestwo #johnnys #宮田俊哉
Just finished a two hour play session of It Takes Two, wow! what an incredibly fun game crafted around the need for cooperation, works great as a local coop/split screen game.
Highly recommended to play with your partner or a friend!
#ittakestwo #videogames #playstation5 #localcoop
Came to mind first:
X - Burning House of Love (Both versions)
X - The Unheard Music
#ittakestwo #FridayNightJukebox
#JukeboxFridayNight #ItTakesTwo If we're assuming the ittakestwo hashtag is about duet songs, here is one of my favorites: https://youtu.be/hmQQZCJUvOY
#JukeboxFridayNight #ittakestwo
The Handsome Family - Far From Any Road
Anybody remember the theme song to #HBO’s True Detective season 1?
I love this track. They’re an American music duo featuring husband and wife Brett and Rennie Sparks.
#ittakestwo #jukeboxfridaynight #hbo
Beth Orton and Ryan Adams: Concrete Sky
#jukeboxfridaynight #ittakestwo
Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald - "Summertime"
Theme - #ItTakesTwo
#JukeboxFridayNight #ittakestwo