China Wants To Implement Social Credit System With Digital IDs In The Metaverse - A new report suggests that China is pushing proposals aiming to transplant its traditiona... - #blockchainnews #socialcredit #metaverse #china #itu
#itu #china #metaverse #socialcredit #blockchainnews
#medicine actually is used far more than #MedMastodon. Not sure which gets more traction though, but been getting quite a bit more interactions for medical posts lately (though not necessarily #CriticalCare, sorry!)
Ps. What about #ICU or #ITU?
#medicine #MedMastodon #CriticalCare #ICU #itu
I robot giurano di non uccidere le persone, ma vale la pena credere alle loro promesse?
Al recente vertice delle #NazioniUnite #ITU AI For Good #Global #Summit 2023 sull’#intelligenza #artificiale a #Ginevra, si è verificato un evento insolito: i #giornalisti hanno intervistato nove #robot dotati di #intelligenza #artificiale (#AI).
I robot hanno assicurato che non vogliono sostituire le #persone, ma vogliono cooperare con loro e risolvere problemi #globali.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#nazioniunite #itu #global #summit #intelligenza #artificiale #ginevra #giornalisti #robot #ai #persone #GlobalI #redhotcyber #online #it #web #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
@GarethMorrell @Archie8 @chloeraccoon
It is ironic that the dial tone stops as soon as dialling begins. Let's see you get an ITU Recommendation changed. (-:
#ertanözyiğit düz dünya program yapmış 🙃ama küreciyle
#barışözcan #ayhantarakçı #AhmetHakan #celalşengör #odtü #boğaziçi #itü
İçinizde karşımıza çıkacak bir tane delikanlı, cahil olmayan yok mu?
Küre Topunuzun havası mı indi🙃
Biliminiz bu kadar korkak mı?
Bir mühendis. #düzya
#ertanozyigit #barisozcan #ayhantarakci #ahmethakan #celalsengor #odtu #bogazici #itu #duzya
OMG! This isn’t what I expected from an ITU Secretary General; but I’m quite happy! Doreen Bogdan-Martin has social media presence with some decent professionalism behind it. I’m in shock (in a good way!) Maybe she will modernize the #ITU and it’s mission in a way that no one else before her has been able too?
📣 We are looking for a research assistant in #NLP and #HateSpeech Analysis at #ITU #Copenhagen, with @LR
Apply here:
Deadline Feb 24
#nlp #hatespeech #itu #copenhagen
Añadiría. Nunca dejar el bote sin asegurarnos de haberlo cerrado “muy bien”. Los reactivos se inactivan y producen falsos negativos con aumento de sufrimiento, morbilidad y gasto, especialmente en mujeres #ITU #Enfermería #SaludConPerspectiva
RT @chuchencio
****** Tira reactiva de orina ******
💠 Interpretación del resultado
💠 Consejos a tener en cuenta.
❤️ si te ha gustado.
🔃 comparte si te parece útil.
#itu #enfermeria #saludconperspectiva #pildoradeaprendizaje
The priorities of new and #EU are well aligned. Good discussion on consequences of Russian aggression against Ukraine, closing #DigitalDivides around the world, inclusive #ITU, support to #UNSG Global Digital Compact, and defending an open, free and secure internet.
#EU #digitaldivides #itu #unsg
There are some things that I think are too early or too conjectural for governments to intrude upon. Here's one:
1st ITU Forum on Embracing the metaverse
#internet #virtualreality #metaverse #government #ITU
#internet #virtualreality #metaverse #government #itu
I woke up at 4:30 in Helsinki, flew to Denmark, got my luggage into my new place and got to the IT University Copenhagen only 23min late.
Also: I am now a PhD student with #ITU :D
Så er det årets sidste arbejdsdag, glæder mig til en jul med familien. Kollegaerne og jeg fik i 2022 afsluttet nogen projekter og bundet nogen løse ender.
I dag skal jeg rode med at klargøre et nyt #DNS setup til #ITU, som vi håber at sætte i søen i starten af 2023.
Dagens soundtrack bliver nok "Global mix" fra #RadioParadise
@dj3ei @BNetzA @KJ7OMO I don't doubt the usefulness for it as well as the priority for emergency broadcasts and relays.
Enough people died for this to be instated by #ITU...
That being said we live in the age if #ERIB, #COSPAR-#SARSAT and #Inmarsat so unless radio equipment & tech is being sabotaged like with #MH370 emergency calls and transmissions should get picked up easily.
#mh370 #inmarsat #sarsat #cospar #erib #itu
Originally posted by Tim Kuhn /
RT by @Tim_J_Kuhn: Fundamentals of critical care! It’s arrived! So much content, so a lot of tweets to cover all the pages! 2/5 @Wiley_Nursing #CriticalCare #icu #itu #ccrn @HonoraryGeordi_ @IanPeate thank you to all the contributors who offered their expertise! #uk
#criticalcare #icu #itu #ccrn #uk
This. Is. Hilarious. Especially the part on standards, weather stations, radio stations, #ITU and telecommunications :D Besides the stubbornness, the cool thing about standards is that there are so many of them ;-)
Einfach die Erdrotation an die Uhrzeit anpassen. (n t)