Wieso wählt man jemanden zum Generalsekretär, der sich dann gleich verhaften lässt?
RT @ituc@twitter.com
.@LizShuler@twitter.com of the Credentials Committee has announced the new leadership team elected at #ITUC22...
General Secretary
+ Luca Visentini: @VisentiniLuca@twitter.com
Deputy General Secretaries
+ Eric Mwezi Manzi: @manzieric65@twitter.com
+ Jordania Ureña Lora: @JordaniaUrena04@twitter.com
+ Owen Tudor: @Owen4ituc@twitter.com
@HKLabourRights RT by @SamGoodman22: GOOD NEWS: #ITUC World Congress #ITUC22 passed Emergency Resolution to demand the revocation of the National Security Law and release trade union leaders in #HongKong https://hklabourrights.org/global-solidarity/ituc-world-congress-passed-emergency-resolution-to-demand-the-revocation-of-the-national-security-law-and-release-trade-union-leaders-in-hong-kong/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/HKLabourRights/status/1597573815999287296#m
So good to see my Libyan union sister @Nerminsharif1@twitter.com on her last day in Australia @CFMEU@twitter.com national conference. Thanks for dropping in sister at short notice @ITFglobalunion@twitter.com #ausunions #ITUC22 #WeAreITF
RT @TUCGlobal@twitter.com
Resolution adopted at #ITUC22 on Iran calling for the release of all imprisoned trade unionists. We add our voice and call for leaders from the Tehran Busworkers' Union, Reza Shahabi, Hassan Saeedi and Davood Rezavi to be freed. Solidarity ✊🏾 @RMTunion@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TUCGlobal/status/1594851757330673664
RT @ituc@twitter.activitypub.actor
Branislav Rugani de la CGT-FO #France partage un message de solidarité avec tous les travailleurs qui montrent leur opposition à la guerre partout dans le monde : "Pour le peuple, pour la paix, pour la liberté"
#ITUC22 @lacgtcommunique @force_ouvriere@twitter.activitypub.actor
This is what a @AustralianLabor@twitter.com government looks like 👏👏♥️ #ratifyc190 #iloc190 #ausunions
RT @ituc@twitter.com
.@AlboMP@twitter.com: Today, I announce that the Labor Government I lead will table in the Parliament of Australia, ILO Convention 190: preventing harassment and violence in the workplace... affirming the right of every person to a work culture based on ‘mutual respect and dignity’. #ITUC22
#ratifyc190 #iloc190 #ausunions #ituc22
RT @LizShuler@twitter.com
What an honor for @AlboMP@twitter.com to address #ituc22 and a reflection of the phenomenal leadership of @unionsaustralia@twitter.com @MicheleONeilAU@twitter.com and @sallymcmanus@twitter.com lifting up the voices and power of working people across the globe! #1u https://twitter.com/micheleoneilau/status/1594470043588317185
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LizShuler/status/1594475536738586626
RT @MicheleONeilAU@twitter.com
Australia’s Prime Minister after addressing @ituc@twitter.com World Congress in Melbourne. @AlboMP@twitter.com is committed to lifting workers wages and stopping violence and harassment at work @AlboMP@twitter.com @sallymcmanus@twitter.com @SharanBurrow@twitter.com #C190 #ITUC22
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MicheleONeilAU/status/1594470043588317185
RT @danae_bosler@twitter.com
Secretary of @VicUnions@twitter.com inviting #ITUC22 congress back to our People's Palace to celebrate the service of @SharanBurrow@twitter.com ✊️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/danae_bosler/status/1594501748299042822
ETUC goes ITUC! ✊ Luca Visentini wurde zum neuen IGB-Präsidenten gewählt. #ituc22 #elections
Österreich hat die ILO 190 gegen Gewalt und Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz immer noch nicht ratifiziert! Man fragt sich schon warum.
“Today, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced the ratification of C190, the ILO Convention to end violence and harassment in the workplace! 🇦🇺♀️🙌🏽”
#RatifyC190 #ITUC22 #australia #timesup #16DaysOfActivism #16days
#16days #16daysofactivism #timesup #australia #ituc22 #RatifyC190
„Union values should be universal values. That‘s international Solidarity.“
Premierminister Anthony Albanese ist in der Working Class als Kind einer Alleinerzieherin aufgewachsen. Er setzt sich seit Beginn seiner Amtszeit im Frühjahr 2022 für die fundamentalen Rechte aller Australier:innen ein: Stimme der Aborigines im Parlament, Anhebung der Mindestlöhne, für Elternkarenz von 6 Monaten, 10 Tage bezahltem Urlaub für Gewaltopfer und die Ratifizierung der ILO 190 Konvention.
"No woman worker should have to choose between her safety and her job"
Today, at the International Trade Union Congress, PM Albanese announced that the Labor Government will table in the Parliament of Australia, ILO Convention 190: preventing harassment and violence in the workplace affirming the right of every person to a work culture based on ‘mutual respect and dignity’. #ITUC22
RT @ituc@twitter.com
.@MicheleONeilAU@twitter.com at #ITUC22 Congress Live: "#JustTransation is like having a bridge for working people to the new, climate-friendly jobs. We can't leave it to the market, it will abandon working people. We need to think long term and put workers at the centre of decisions."
RT @ituc@twitter.com
BREAKING NEWS: Luca Visentini has won the vote to be the new ITUC General Secretary at #ITUC22
RT @ituc@twitter.com
In 2021, the total number of people forced to flee their homes due to conflicts, violence, fear of persecution & #HumanRights violations was 89.3m. Double the number from 10y ago, the most since WW2
📢The world economy based on a #NewSocialContract must include #migrants #ITUC22
#HumanRights #newsocialcontract #migrants #ituc22
This morning (AU Time) i took the floor to underline the need for change and modernisation in the global trade union movement! #ITUC22 ‚ #Globalunions #MichaelVassiliadis
#ituc22 #globalunions #michaelvassiliadis
Chris Mung från Hong Kong får stående ovationer från världsfackets kongress för sitt tal om frihet, demokrati och fackliga rättigheter. Fackliga rättigheter är mänskliga rättigheter! #ITUC22
Om jag är ombud på världsfackets (ITUC) kongress i Melbourne? Jajamensan. #ITUC22