#BraulioHornedo: “#IvánIllich es uno de los más notables ejemplos en el pensamiento humanista de nuestros tiempos”.
La Universidad Virtual Anarquista Iván Illich inicia sus actividades el 4 de septiembre. Conversamos con Braulio Hornedo, uno de sus fundadores y amigo cercano de este pensador.
#Anarquismo #Pensamiento
#brauliohornedo #ivanillich #anarquismo #pensamiento
Lieber Herr #Merz
Sie fordern "Mehr Leistungsbewusstsein", mehr Überstunden, mehr Anstrengungen. Ich möchte ihnen aus diesem Grunde mit #IvanIllich entgegegnen:
„Obgleich alles darauf hinweist, dass es zur totalen Niederlage führt, wenn man immer mehr vom gleichen fordert, meint man in einer dem Wachstumswahn verfallenen Gesellschaft, mehr und mehr zu brauchen (Illich, Selbstbegrenzung, S. 25).
Une telle société repose sur un renouvellement constant des diagnostics au sujet de ceux dont elle s’arroge la charge. Et grâce à cette imposture paternaliste, les représentants des opprimés peuvent briguer le pouvoir au profit de formes toujours neuves d’oppression.
#IvanIllich / Le travail fantôme (1981)
I do think that if I had to choose one word to which hope can be tied it is hospitality. A practice of hospitality -- recovering threshold, table, patience, listening, and from there generating seedbeds for virtue and friendship on the one hand -- on the other hand radiating out for possible community, for rebirth of community.
-- Ivan Illich (1996 Interview)
#Community #Friendship #Hope #Hospitality #Virtue #IvanIllich #Quotes #Panopainting #Bot
#community #friendship #hope #hospitality #virtue #ivanillich #quotes #panopainting #bot
https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/1999/03/ILLICH/2855. Bonjour, la France! #ivanillich
@bstiftung "Schafft die Schulen ab" forderte #IvanIllich schon vor 50 Jahren. #PauloFreire wollte dagegen in der #padagogikderunterdruckten ein selbstbestimmtes Lernen der Schüler: Sein Konzept in Projekten kann die Misere auch in viel ärmeren Ländern lösen, unser altes #Klassen-#System ist aus der #militar-istischen #Kaiserzeit reaktionär festgehalten
#ivanillich #paulofreire #padagogikderunterdruckten #klassen #system #militar #kaiserzeit
Journée Lire Ivan Illich
demain à 11h, Académie du Climat, Paris
https://www.agendamilitant.org/Lire-Ivan-Illich.html #ivanillich #convivialité #sociétéconviviale #contreproductivité #communaux #jacquesellul #andregorz #ecologiepolitique
#ivanillich #convivialite #societeconviviale #contreproductivite #communaux #jacquesellul #andregorz #ecologiepolitique
Touki Bouki, un almanacco antiretorico scritto da stranieri per stranieri https://altreconomia.it/touki-bouki-un-almanacco-antiretorico-scritto-da-stranieri-per-stranieri/ #CélestinFreinet #Intervista #IvanIllich #migrazioni #Nonantola #stranieri #carcere #diritti #rivista #viaggio #modena #musica #scuola
#Scuola #musica #modena #viaggio #rivista #diritti #carcere #stranieri #Nonantola #migrazioni #ivanillich #intervista #CélestinFreinet
Entrée libre et gratuite (inscription recommandée). Le lien est à retrouver en description.
#ivanillich #convivialité #revuetopophile #outilsconviviaux #institutmomentum
#ivanillich #convivialite #revuetopophile #outilsconviviaux #institutmomentum
Reading #IvanIllich "Toward a History of Needs", and as always, I love the guy's lucid, self-assured prose:
> I argue that beyond a certain median per capita energy level, the political system and cultural context of any society must decay
> I will argue here that technocracy must prevail as soon as the ratio of mechanical power to metabolic energy oversteps a definite, identifiable threshold
#conviviality #lowtech #ivanillich
#Virchow's maxim "Politics is nothing but medicine at a larger scale" is compelling & inspiring to many—but we've good reasons to Q its application eg in activism, housing, #homelessness. Eg huge issues esp w/US medicine & pharma; critiques in Mackenbach, #IvanIllich, R. Bourne:
RT @ProfSaraRankin
Super compelling to me especially in my work where housing, homelessness, and healthcare are inseparable— braided together with inequ…
#virchow #homelessness #ivanillich
#article13 #noborders #libertadimovimento #articolo13 #degrowth #decrescita #decrescitafelice #ivanillich #universalbasicincome #basicincome #redditodibase #ubi #bin_italia #monetacomplementare #annpettifor #sovranitamonetaria
#sovranitamonetaria #annpettifor #monetacomplementare #bin_italia #ubi #redditodibase #basicincome #universalbasicincome #ivanillich #decrescitafelice #decrescita #degrowth #articolo13 #libertadimovimento #noborders #article13
- Ubik by #PhilipKDick
- The Dispossessed by #UrsulaKLeGuin
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by H. Abelson, G.J. Sussman, J. Sussman
- Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid by #DouglasHofstadter
- Nineteen Eighty-Four by #GeorgeOrwell
- Deschooling Society by #IvanIllich
- V for Vendetta by #AlanMoore
#ivanillich #alanmoore #georgeorwell #douglashofstadter #ursulakleguin #philipkdick #7bookstoknowme #7books
RT @tmccormick
@richdecibels on #conviviality, an ethos of agency & equality as opposed to coercion—a fundamental work: Tools For Conviviality,
by Ivan Illich, 1973. (borrowable @internetarchive: https://archive.org/details/toolsforconvivi000illi/page/n27/mode/1up?view=theater). + see 2nd screenshot, from #IvanIllich, #DeschoolingSociety 1971. #ToolsForConviviality
#ToolsForConviviality #DeschoolingSociety #ivanillich #conviviality
#IvánIllich #Desecolarizar
La educación universal a través de la escolarización no es factible. No sería más factible si se intentara por medio de instituciones alternativas construidas sobre el estilo de las escuelas actuales.
Tampoco unas nuevas actitudes de los maestros hacia sus pupilos, ni la proliferación de
infraestructura o “software” educativo (en el aula o en el dormitorio), ni finalmente el intento por ampliar la responsabilidad del pedagogo hasta que absorba toda la vida de sus alumnos, nos van a traer una educación universal.
Comme si la technique ne pouvait être que "High" ...
Autre nom des lowtechs: technologie conviviale #ivanillich ou technologie intuitive #vanlengen #tiba
Listening to this podcast about #IvanIllich with #JerryBrown and you should listen to it if you are into that sort of thing: https://theconvivialsociety.substack.com/p/remembering-illich-a-conversation#details
André Gorz: per farla finita con l’alienazione – di Tiziana Villani http://effimera.org/andre-gorz-per-farla-finita-con-lalienazione-di-tiziana-villani/ #EcologiaPolitica #Ecologiapolitica #TizianaVillani #megamacchine #alienazione #IvanIllich #AndréGorz #KarlMarx #Orthotes #salario #lavoro
#lavoro #salario #orthotes #karlmarx #andrégorz #ivanillich #alienazione #megamacchine #tizianavillani #ecologiapolitica
Once redemption comes to mind, the soundtrack moves on to #BobMarley :
> Redemption Song,
All I every had
won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom.
I want to write a Free Software book, even if it's just to quote Bob Marly at the front of it:
> Won't you help to sing,
> These Songs of Freedom
#IvanIllich ( #Illych ?) wrote that reading used to be singing and chewing, it was all
I think #Illich wrote about it in #TextAndUniverstiy and maybe in a book too.
#TextAndUniverstiy #illich #SingingLines #Illych #ivanillich #bobmarley
RadioContado #113 https://radiowombat.net/radiocontado-113/ #RadioContado #ivanillich #greenpass #mondegggi #frittole #miele
#miele #frittole #mondegggi #greenpass #ivanillich #radiocontado