47 years ago:
Emanuelle in Bangkok (IT)
Original title: Emanuelle nera: Orient reportage
Emanuelle is sent to Bangkok on a journalism assignment. While there, she embarks on her own exploration of the secrets of sensual pleasure. While learning much, she also reveals several secrets of her own.
#EmanuelleinBangkok #JoeDAmato #LauraGemser #GabrieleTinti #IvanRassimov #Movies
#emanuelleinbangkok #joedamato #lauragemser #gabrieletinti #ivanrassimov #movies
50 years ago:
Mafia Junction (IT)
Original title: Si può essere più bastardi dell'ispettore Cliff?
Cliff works as a narcotics investigator for the police and infiltrate a mafia gang. Soon it turns out that Cliff has bigger plans than just to bust bad guys.
#MafiaJunction #IvanRassimov #StephanieBeacham #PatriciaHayes #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#mafiajunction #ivanrassimov #stephaniebeacham #patriciahayes #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
46 years ago:
Last Cannibal World (IT)
Original title: Ultimo mondo cannibale
An oil prospector escapes from capture by a primitive cannibal tribe in the Philippine rain forest and heads out to locate his missing companion and their plane to return home.
#LastCannibalWorld #RuggeroDeodato #MassimoFoschi #IvanRassimov #Horror #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#lastcannibalworld #ruggerodeodato #massimofoschi #ivanrassimov #horror #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Spaghetti Sunday: "La vendetta è un piatto che si serve freddo" aka "Vengeance Trail" Starring Leonard Mann, Ivan Rassimov, Elisabeth Eversfield, Steffen Zacharias & Klaus Kinski.
#vengeancetrail #leonardmann #ivanrassimov #elizabetheversfield #steffenzacharias #klauskinski #spaghettiwesternsunday #spaghettiwestern #westernmovie
#vengeancetrail #leonardmann #ivanrassimov #elizabetheversfield #steffenzacharias #klauskinski #spaghettiwesternsunday #spaghettiwestern #westernmovie
Released this day 1968 Sergio Garrone's "If you want to live, Shoot" aka "Se Vuoi Vivere...Spara!"
#releasedthisday #spaghettiwestern #western #lowbudget #movie #sergiogarrone #ivanrassimov #giovannicianfriglia #isabellasavona #seantodd #eliosstudio #rome #lazio
#releasedthisday #spaghettiwestern #western #lowbudget #movie #sergiogarrone #ivanrassimov #giovannicianfriglia #isabellasavona #seantodd #eliosstudio #rome #lazio