Last Halloween I unexpectedly acquired a copy of the #IvanTSanderson book #AnimalTreasure for free. Despite his propensity for tall tales*, I still really like Sanderson as an illustrator.
* e.g Sanderson claimed to have seen a giant cryptid bat while retrieving a Hammer-Headed Bat. He also connected the filaments of Hairy Frogs to hair on Sea Serpents…
#ivantsanderson #animaltreasure
Cryptozoologist #IvanTSanderson was a surprisingly good artist; these illustrations are from PURSUIT 8(1) and PURSUIT 7(4). Despite claiming to be based on a “compendium of all the reports” the #Bigfoot / big #Yeti is based entirely on the #MinnesotaIceman — it’s quite strange seeing the #Cryptid portrayed as human-sized but with suspiciously literal… big… feet.
#ivantsanderson #bigfoot #yeti #minnesotaiceman #cryptid #cryptozoology
Excellent article on the #MinnesotaIceMan — perhaps some day my dream of a #IvanTSanderson / #BernardHeuvelmans biopic will come true! #Cryptozoology #Hoaxes
#minnesotaiceman #ivantsanderson #bernardheuvelmans #cryptozoology #hoaxes
To those interested in #Cryptozoology #UFOlogy #Forteana and all sorts of #Spooky stuff, the American Philosophical Society has a collection of 17,000 items relating to #IvanTSanderson — 17,000!!!!
h/t Eddie Guimont (who has yet to migrate over)
#cryptozoology #ufology #forteana #spooky #ivantsanderson