Yesterday I suddenly imagined building a pergola around my house using IVAR shelves. Now I can't stop thinking about it. Is it completely bonkers or an IKEA hack on the epic scale?
#IKEAHack #IKEA #IVARShelving #IvarPergola
(Edit: added hashtag.)
#ivarpergola #ivarshelving #ikea #ikeahack
Do I know anyone who lives close to the Exeter Ikea who could buy some IVAR for me?
That's the only UK store with any 30x56x56 IVAR corner shelves in stock!
Or anyone in UK or EU willing to sell me their spares? I'll arrange & pay for shipping. Can fit 6 or 7 in one package.
these are the kiddies:
Article Number: 937.636.09
Will be difficult to build my new studio without them & can't find any 2nd-hand here :/
#newstudio #ivarshelving #ivar #ikea