#Cornell owns 45% of proportion of the taxable property value in #Ithaca but is stingy as hell and does not care about the community, refuses to increase its contribution to a reasonable level.
This deal would result in an estimated to be $83 million payment over three decades. Cornell is currently spending $110 on a single building.
This #IvyLeague university is actively working to starve the city it resides in.
Utterly disgusting behavior from Cornell.
I learnt something about the U.S. i have actually wondered about. đșđžđ
Cornell will spend $110 million on *a single building* while it can't even throw 2% of that annually to the city it resides in--because it doesn't have to, as residents face unaffordable rents and cost of living increases, as publicly-funded services struggle because #Cornell refuses to increase funding.
For prospective students considering universities, keep in mind that this #IvyLeague is regarded as completely disconnected and hostile to the community it resides in.
Here's some additional background of the indifference #Cornell has for the community it resides in, and its disregard for folx who use the busses.
If you're considering #University #College, remember that this #IvyLeague in #Ithaca does not care about its community.
#cornell #university #college #ivyleague #ithaca
You Have to Care About Harvard - The Atlantic
i.e. #Ivyleague
"New research published this morning from 3 economists...confirms that these kids do indeed become elites. Compared with attending 1 of the best public colleges, attending an Ivy or another super-selective private school increases a studentâs chance of reaching the top of the earnings distribution by 60 percent & 'has even larger impacts on other non-monetary measures of upper-tail success...."
The Onion: Shirt, Pants, Underwear, Socks, Shoes, Maybe A Sweater Or Jacket, And Sometimes A Hat: Yep, Thatâs What A Lot Of People Wear Most Of The Time https://www.theonion.com/shirt-pants-underwear-socks-shoes-maybe-a-sweater-1850656624 #catholicschooluniform #entertainmentculture #humaninterest #informalwear #underwear #ivyleague #sweater #jacket #sports #sock
#catholicschooluniform #entertainmentculture #humaninterest #informalwear #underwear #ivyleague #sweater #jacket #sports #sock
In the wake of the US Supreme Court's destruction of #universities' #affirmativeaction, some interesting figures are getting more traction... of which perhaps the most indicative of the #IvyLeague's moral bankruptcy is this:
43% of #Harvard's intake are from these four groups: athletics bursaries, legacy admissions, deanâs list & children of faculty and staff.
'Dean's list' is a euphemism for children of major donors (or at least the ones that aren't legacy admissions); no merit access there!
#universities #affirmativeaction #ivyleague #harvard
New lawsuit seeks to stop colleges from rewarding 'legacy' applicants :
An Associated Press survey of the nation's most selective colleges last year found that legacy students in the freshman class ranged from 4% to 23%.
#affirmativeaction #alumni #Amherst #ChicaProject #civilrights #college #collegeadmissions #discrimination #EducationDepartment #Harvard #IvyLeague #JohnsHopkins #NAACP
#affirmativeaction #alumni #amherst #chicaproject #civilrights #college #collegeadmissions #discrimination #educationdepartment #harvard #ivyleague #johnshopkins #naacp
Looks like the #USSupremeCourt might have (accidentally) undermined an elite privilege;
a new challenge to #Harvard's 'legacy' admission cites the recent judgement striking down #affirmativeaction:
''a benefit provided to some applicants but not to others necessarily advantages the former group at the expense of the latter'.
Looks like some #IvyLeague parents may rue the day the USSC moved on #black admissions, as now admitting rich idiots looks vulnerable to legal challenge.
#ussupremecourt #harvard #affirmativeaction #ivyleague #black
Why do colleges need affirmative action? Americaâs past and present.
I know firsthand students getting denied admission in Ivy Leagues being of certain ethnicity. They use affirmative action to actually discriminate. It may not sound palatable to modern day Democrats, but as a hyper #liberal myself, I think the policy as implemented is deeply flawed and has done great deal of injustice to a lot of talented students.
America is nothing without #meritocracy.
#ivyleague #meritocracy #Liberal
Great TikTok video about the decision yesterday.
Briannis đ€ on TikTok
stop the nonsense
#affirmativeaction #collegeadmission #collegeadmissions #collegeprep #racism #accountability #collegeadmissionscandal #highereducation #ivyleague
#affirmativeaction #collegeadmission #collegeadmissions #collegeprep #racism #accountability #collegeadmissionscandal #highereducation #ivyleague
One of the aspects of this issue that I rarely hear about is the underlining injustice of the university system itself.
For hundreds of years, universities have been instruments of alumni nepotism, with people in positions of power promoting and hiring from elite schools, which perpetuates race and class bias.
The actual academic education that one obtains is not much different, it's the credentialism that gives graduates an advantage. This needs to change.
#race #class #ivyleague #university
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Are Online Dating Apps Still a Wasteland? We Reviewed 13. https://jezebel.com/are-online-dating-apps-still-a-wasteland-we-reviewed-1-1850557965 #Jezebel #onlinedatingapplications #onlinedatingservices #geosocialnetworking #onlinedatingservice #socialsoftware #kyliecheunglex #michelleobama #andrewtate #benaffleck #ivyleague #software #ambition #linkedin #netflix #albums #tinder #bumble #feeld #fabio #hinge #raya #djs
#jezebel #onlinedatingapplications #onlinedatingservices #geosocialnetworking #onlinedatingservice #socialsoftware #kyliecheunglex #michelleobama #andrewtate #benaffleck #ivyleague #software #ambition #linkedin #netflix #albums #tinder #bumble #feeld #fabio #hinge #raya #djs
How White People Stole #AffirmativeAction â and Ensured Its Demise
Nowhere did Harvard mention that students brought in as legacies and athletes underperform their peers, or that SAT scores â doubtless one of the âstandards of excellenceâ â correlate more closely to wealth than college performance, or that many alternative admissions systems exist that would produce a brilliant cohort of students without offering the same advantage to white people.
#affirmativeaction #Racism #ivyleague
But most rogue politicians did!
Most top CEOs didnât attend Ivy League colleges | Fortune
Ivy League schools
In American history, a large number of notorious individual with political power to do great harm came from these schools.
Donald Trump
Ron DeSantis
Lots of Republican Congressmen supporting Putin
Jan 6 masterminds like Rhodes Stewart
Wall Street rogues
Still we are obsessed with Ivy League. Why?
From dollars and cents, it actually takes a lot of time now to repay your student debt from them.
But of course there are folks riding on parents' money.
Besuch in den #USA (2)
Heute die Kleinstadt #princeton besucht.
Princeton in New Jersey hat 30.000 Einwohner und ist vor allem fĂŒr die #ivyleague Princeton University bekannt, die weltweit ein hohes Ansehen genieĂt. Zu den Absolventen gehören unter anderem Aaron Burr und Michelle Obama. Durch den Ort verlĂ€uft die Nassau Street, in der viele historische GebĂ€ude zu finden sind. Das Stadtbild ist geprĂ€gt von jungen Studenten und kleinen GeschĂ€ften, ein Besuch ist auf jeden Fall lohnenswert.
#IvyLeague Prices Are Pushing $90,000 a Year. The cost of #tuition, #room and #board keeps climbing at #elite US #colleges, with some #economists warning about sticker shock. By comparison, the #median #household #income in the U.S. was about $71,000 annually in 2021. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ivy-league-tuition-90000-per-year-prices-just-keep-going-up/ #education #economy #college
#ivyleague #tuition #room #board #elite #colleges #economists #median #household #income #Education #economy #college
Unless plaintiffs can show athletes who are being excluded from Ivy League schools on the basis of unable to afford the education due to finances (a hard case to prove given the need-based financial aid policies in place), this just looks at athletes arguing that they should have better financial aid than the non-athletes. Kind of a crass case to be pushing.
#ivyleague #collegeathletics #princeton #cornell
idk what kind of world this is that I, no science girl, know more about threat of #sarscov2 than #ivyLeague MDs
IT TAKES <THAN 10 INHALATIONS TO CATCH #covid19 #reinfection
#hybridImmunity lasts about 2.5 months IF that
minimizing narrative is RIDICULOUS
#whatever #youDoYou i guess
#strokes #heartAttack #cardiacArrest #anosmia #dementia #telomereShortening #prematureAging #wearADamnRespirator #CovidIsNotOver not just #immunocompromised đ
h/t @TRyanGregory
#sarscov2 #ivyleague #covid19 #reinfection #hybridimmunity #whatever #youdoyou #strokes #heartattack #cardiacarrest #anosmia #dementia #telomereshortening #prematureaging #wearadamnrespirator #CovidIsNotOver #immunocompromised