So a little medical surprise has thrown a wrench in my personal hackathon this week, but it's settled-out a bit now and I'm hoping to still salvage some of the extra time I have.
Hoping to throw at least a few hours at #ProjektAleph and #ApresWeb if not #iwagtetw and an assortment of other plans I had...
#iwagtetw #apresweb #projektaleph
The (proposed) audience has spoken and “It was always going to end this way” is the title of my next film!
Shooting begins 12/19/2022.
Got a little time to play with the new/old camera yesterday and feel like I really know my way around it now. Still trying to decide the best way to cope with the busted tape deck but for now I’m just going to tether it to a laptop because I don’t want to get held-back by technical concerns when I have time to shoot things in a week or so.