· @xpil
606 followers · 4866 posts · Server fosstodon.org

LibreOffice Calc: why is there no "Insert column" item in the "Insert" menu? There's 21 different things I can insert via this menu, including floating frames, named ranges or explosion banners, but a new column? Nah, that's too exotic. It's a spreadsheet, why would anyone need a new column?

So, where is it?

In the right-click menu, of course. Because, you know, reasons.

Damn you LibreOffice.

#iwantmyexcelback #libreoffice #calc #ranting

Last updated 4 years ago

· @xpil
606 followers · 4866 posts · Server fosstodon.org

LibreOffice Calc is ridiculous: why is the "Hide columns" option available under right-click but not under context-menu key when a column is selected? How am I supposed to save time if I have to use the mouse for such a basic option? Very annoying. Calc creators should be punished by having to use their product 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

#libreoffice #calc #ergonomy #iwantmyexcelback

Last updated 4 years ago