Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
330 followers · 1321 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@ZeroCovidColin nitter.pussthecat.org/youarelo
“illegally” got primary series of just so I would be slightly less stressed walking out my apt doors to take out recycling & trash
my expectations were truly low

Not thrilled about & but there’s still a lot of stuff up to BA.5 (British airways must be thrilled) out there

Before I take anything,research it & it seems the primary shots are REALLY important & supposedly 3rd even better
My expectations so far exceeded🌈

#novavax #xbb #bq #iwantnovavaxforall

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
330 followers · 1321 posts · Server zeroes.ca

with practically no

I’m extremely concerned will continue to suppress the accessibility & rules with b/c it’s the upside down

Mine weren’t covered here (2 mRNA +3 Novavax) & (3 mRNA + 2 Novavax) but gave me a very rough estimate🙏🏼

If I’ve to fly/drive to another country to get this fall’s booster b/c corruption I will but it’s unfair to people who can’t do this

#sideeffects #mRNA #pfizer #Moderna #iwantmynovavax #fda #novavax #bigpharma #iwantnovavaxforall

Last updated 2 years ago