Yep, #iwasahumanitiesmajor and #iwasanenglishmajor
RT @NEHgov
"The #humanities … teach students to recognize a significant question, to make crucial distinctions in the articulation of its terms, to draw consequential conclusions.” — R. Howard Bloch at @humanitiesmag
#humanities #iwasanenglishmajor #iwasahumanitiesmajor
I minored in English; I majored in studio art.
(Dad was not thrilled, but I paid for my tuition, not him.)
I know I don’t have enough followers to create a hugely trending situation,but it wld be really great if everyone who was an English major(in whatever walk of life now—which it wld be great to note)—just “came out”on #iwasanenglishmajor
It’s one of the greatest well-kept secrets.
@swordsjew @Jorie_Graham #iwasanenglishmajor, and then I taught high school English, left, got a doctorate, taught university media studies, left, got an MSW, worked as a therapist, quit, briefly worked as a gig copyeditor, and now I'm a full-time caregiver for two disabled adult family members. Sometimes I correct people's grammar. And read. I often read. :-)
@swordsjew @Jorie_Graham
#iwasanenglishmajor though we didn't really call it that in England.
I now work as a programmer but hey, programming is reading and writing.
I work in cybersecurity. On my resume I wrote "BA" for over a decade. I still do not openly talk about literature, but studying it in college has not hampered me from a fruitful career.
#IWasAnEnglishMajor is a cool hashtag popping off on Twitter. Maybe it could see some love here?
Here's where is seems to have started:
"I know I don’t have enough followers to create a hugely trending situation,but it wld be really great if everyone who was an English major(in whatever walk of life now—which it wld be great to note)—just “came out”on #iwasanenglishmajor
It’s one of the greatest well-kept secrets."
#iwasanenglishmajor #liberalarts #humanities #englishmajor
Time to repost this link about my worthless degree(s).…