@ryan It's a log movie! #IwasToldThereDbeNoMath #kungfusat
#kungfusat #iwastoldtheredbenomath
@rsmon77 Is that A Lambert W function shot?! #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #MondayActionMovie
#mondayactionmovie #iwastoldtheredbenomath
The car not cycle has no motor, per se, it's just your legs and transiting a pressure-temperature chart. #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #BadPoems
#HashtagGames #badpoems #iwastoldtheredbenomath
The intonation issues are REAL #SymSat 2^(n/12) != p/q #OUCH #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath
#iwastoldtheredbenomath #ouch #symsat
@rsmon77 @MatthewTitus88 #RaisesHand THAT'S 3/4!! #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath?! #iLikeToWatch
#iliketowatch #iwastoldtheredbenomath #raiseshand
@SesameSquirrel @dbfulton "every time a choice happens a quantum state gets it's wings!" #WrongQuote #WrongMovie #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #KungFuSat
#kungfusat #iwastoldtheredbenomath #wrongmovie #wrongquote
@dbfulton @analgesicsleep @MatthewTitus88 I took topology 333 in college, that seems related. #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #KungFuSat
#kungfusat #iwastoldtheredbenomath
@MatthewTitus88 Start with sets and set membership, next we'll be all "Oh one plus one equals TWO!" #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #WestWed
#westwed #iwastoldtheredbenomath
@rsmon77 Intersecting planes?! so a line then? #Crickets #AngryStares #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #MondayActionMovie
#mondayactionmovie #iwastoldtheredbenomath #angrystares #crickets
@rsmon77 Oho so thats why average is called mean?! #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #MondayActionMovie
#mondayactionmovie #iwastoldtheredbenomath
@LisaMarieBowman Oh I don't think they'll get there!? #TopologyIsHard #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #MondayActionMovie
#mondayactionmovie #iwastoldtheredbenomath #topologyishard
Mean Girls: A movie about average height, average weight, average IQ girls doing average things. #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #RejectedMoviePlots
#rejectedmovieplots #iwastoldtheredbenomath
Conic sections are my FAVORITE! #MouthsNoNoTheyArent #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #BMovieManiacs
#BMovieManiacs #iwastoldtheredbenomath #mouthsnonotheyarent
Great practice with Kathy B. Vanhal double bass concerto with utubes, Kathy and I worked on our inside voices, which is funny, because, double bass and viola?! :-P For the Vanhal I have maximum local neighbor overlap between notes and seated parts. #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath?! Beethoven Op 18 #4 except the finale. For me that was double bass and violin
Primes? No, odds? no WHATS THE FUNCTION!?! #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #iLikeToWatch
#iliketowatch #iwastoldtheredbenomath
Two professors from Dublin, THAT'S REDUNDANT! #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #BMovieManiacs
#BMovieManiacs #iwastoldtheredbenomath
Women are complicated? (so are men) fair point. #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #tcmparty
#TCMParty #iwastoldtheredbenomath
@MatthewTitus88 Just ad a few minutes #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath --Dad #catitstu
#catitstu #iwastoldtheredbenomath
The late 50s womans fashions are ... mathematical constructs? #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #BMovieManiacs
#BMovieManiacs #iwastoldtheredbenomath