OK, got the electric bill, the water bill, and the trash pickup bill paid. Now to take a couple of minutes to mindlessly stare at my writing.
I’m not sure if you ever heard this song over there, but it was a schoolyard hit back in the day here in the US. Now that I’m getting older, I find myself singing it whenever I wish for things that are outside of my control 🥲
#copingskills #iwish #banger #skeelo
「奏(かなで)」藤宮香織(CV.雨宮天)(『一週間フレンズ。』EDテーマ)CM https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1684380/voice-actress/
#DVD #Gaga #iwish #movie #TOHO #Vlog #voiceactress #あいのり #アニメ #あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない #あの花 #カンカン #ガンガンJOKER #キャラクター #ゴジラ #スキマスイッチ #スクウェアエニックス #スクエニ #そら #ビデオ #ブルーレイ #ポータルサイト #一フレ #予告 #公式 #声優 #大久保瑠美 #奏 #奏かなで藤宮香織CV.雨宮天一週間フレンズEDテーマCM #女性声優 #宣伝 #山谷 #山谷祥生 #川嶋あい #新海誠 #昆 #昆夏美 #映画 #春アニメ #東宝 #東宝映画 #東映 #東映特撮 #松竹 #演劇 #特報 #特撮 #秒速5センチメートル #細谷 #細谷佳正 #言の葉の庭 #邦画 #配給 #雨宮天
#dvd #gaga #iwish #movie #toho #vlog #voiceactress #あいのり #アニメ #あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない #あの花 #カンカン #ガンガンJOKER #キャラクター #ゴジラ #スキマスイッチ #スクウェアエニックス #スクエニ #そら #ビデオ #ブルーレイ #ポータルサイト #一フレ #予告 #公式 #声優 #大久保瑠美 #奏 #奏かなで藤宮香織cv #女性声優 #宣伝 #山谷 #山谷祥生 #川嶋あい #新海誠 #昆 #昆夏美 #映画 #春アニメ #東宝 #東宝映画 #東映 #東映特撮 #松竹 #演劇 #特報 #特撮 #秒速5センチメートル #細谷 #細谷佳正 #言の葉の庭 #邦画 #配給 #雨宮天
There are times when the only thing one can do is wish. Wishes are like stars… #IWish… #mockingowlroost #blog #Orwellian #poetry #poet #iwish #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(Picture is of a sailboat on the water, with a heart surrounding the picture.)
#iwish #mockingowlroost #blog #orwellian #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
"Supporting people is always more effective than hectoring them."
RT @SusanMichie@twitter.com
With Covid cases soaring and the NHS in trouble, here’s how to end the culture war on face masks https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jan/05/covid-cases-nhs-culture-war-face-masks?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SusanMichie/status/1611265439140560896
I was the only person in my group who knew who Skee-Lo was. I feel old.
I'm reading The Empty Box and Zero'th Maria Vol. 3 at the moment and ... :ab_pain2::ab_pain1:
This series can be really brutal. I love the paranormal/sci-fi stuff and the intensity of it all, especially the mind-fuckery but god damn I can only take it bursts or it makes me anxious.
#lightnovels #books #scifi #anime #iwish
I just... I thought about this so much. I just wish my #trekkie & #doctorwho crowd here would know this, that I knew whether the #mushrooms were right when they told me 20 years ago I am shamanistically talented. I just wish I could diss some #shamans, those who want 2,99 from you per minute.
I wish.. I could find people who understand this.
I wish we could just fucking find a consense already that priority one is to reduce #pain, abolish torture.
#IWISH... to tell all these things I cant.
#mushrooms #shamans #trekkie #doctorwho #pain #iwish
#secretsanta #michonne #Iwish #ilovehim #England my 1st & only #Lover #Husband & #bestfriend #thepunisherseason2 #thepunishermarvel #thepunisher
My #Rickgrimes
#secretsanta #michonne #iwish #ilovehim #england #lover #husband #bestfriend #thepunisherseason2 #thepunishermarvel #thepunisher #rickgrimes
#secretsanta #michonne #Iwish #ilovehim #England my 1st & only #Lover #Husband & #bestfriend #thepunisherseason2 #thepunishermarvel #thepunisher
My #Rickgrimes
#secretsanta #michonne #iwish #ilovehim #england #lover #husband #bestfriend #thepunisherseason2 #thepunishermarvel #thepunisher #rickgrimes
The silence from the former Neighbour actors regarding Neighbours returning is making me think that they have been contacted and asked to come back #NeighboursReturns #Iwish
It's not #xmas yet, but I think this #xmaswish should carry on to every single day:
#IWish that every single kitty, doggo, birdie & pet in general could have a warm bed, healthy & abundant food & all the snuggles.
(Sorry all those ads about abandoned pets have started & are pulling on my heartstrings)
#xmas #xmaswish #iwish #woodgreen #catsprotection #rspca
I'll call it now, not a fucking thing will come out of Durham and his laughable investigations. #IWish
Ich wünsche mir, dass wir hier auf #Mastodon eine digitale #Gemeinschaft sein können, die ohne Beleidigungen, Anfeindungen und Drohungen auskommt.
#iwish #ichwünschemir #gemeinschaft #mastodon
Jasmine tea with the sister at my new favorite coffee shop. #SponsoredByApple #IWish https://instagram.com/p/0YqITpgLf7/