#IWonder: what percent of the worldwide Cloud storage is now simply email blocked sender lists?
#iwonder why some user manuals are encyclopedic in description, vague in instructions and have some small, nebulous drawings.
#iwonder why symmetry in numbers is among very few cases of symmetry that i find any beauty in.
#IT's #VeryInteresting isn't #IT, #MisterDen...?
#IWonder how #SomePeople did #SexTrafficking and #InculcatingRadicalisation before #TheInternet | #AndOtherRhetoricalQuestions
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🐻🚀🦹🪐
#it #veryinteresting #misterden #iwonder #somepeople #sextrafficking #inculcatingradicalisation #TheInternet #andotherrhetoricalquestions
#IWonder for #HowMuchLonger the #NHS expects to be able to pay for #Professionals in #ClapsAndCakeAndBadges... | #LookNoQuestionMark
#IT's certainly not #Worth #ComingOut of #Retirement for because of #AllTheRisk
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕️🍰🍫🦄🍫🍰☕️
#randomthought #iwonder #howmuchlonger #nhs #professionals #clapsandcakeandbadges #looknoquestionmark #it #worth #comingout #retirement #alltherisk
Part of me cannot help but wonder if they made Javier Bardem a blonde because it was 𝒔𝒐 disturbing on Raul Julia.
#MoonOverParador #Skyfall #RaulJuila #JavierBardem #film #makeup #IWonder
#moonoverparador #skyfall #rauljuila #JavierBardem #film #makeup #iwonder
Too soon, there is a knock on the door.
Felix looks around at his apartment. There is no way he can clean the evidence away now.
“Serves me right for dating a school teacher,” he mutters. “So damn #prompt.”
#prompt #vss365 #veryshortstory #iwonder