RT @proviewsusa@twitter.com
So do I! #MedicareForAll There's one in the House & Senate sync'd and #IWroteTheDamnBill #Bernie2020
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/proviewsusa/status/1199781985046147073
#Bernie2020 #iwrotethedamnbill #MedicareForAll
RT @BerniesBack2020@twitter.com
Trump is scared to death of facing Bernie. He can't even answer questions about Bernie's criticisms of him from a reporter.
How anyone could think Trump stands a chance against Bernie in a debate is beyond me.
#Bernie2020 #PresidentBernieSanders #NotMeUS #IWroteTheDamnBill https://twitter.com/BrianKarem/status/1157020910005735425
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BerniesBack2020/status/1157041023350202372
#iwrotethedamnbill #notmeus #presidentberniesanders #bernie2020