Grateful Dead • 1984-07-03 (02:27:23) • Starlight Theater, Kansas City, MO, USA #IWT
For more than a decade, #SouthAfrica's iconic #KrugerNationalPark has faced a relentless onslaught of #rhino #poaching. But today its greatest threat is internal #corruption, itself a symptom of a breakdown in trust, staff cohesion and professionalism within the park. My report for the #ENACT project: #IWT #wildlife #OrganisedCrime #Africa
#southafrica #krugernationalpark #rhino #poaching #Corruption #enact #iwt #wildlife #OrganisedCrime #Africa
RT @biosec_erc
📅Just one week to go until my public lecture (online) at @LinneanSociety - I will focus on my new book about the ways conservation and security are converging in tackling #IWT. You can read more about it & register here 👇
We bring #CriticalCriminology and #PoliticalEcology together to analyse #GreenCollarCrime in #IWT in #European species - thereby challenging the ways #IWT is often cast as a problem of organised crime , and confined to Africa & Asia
#european #iwt #greencollarcrime #politicalecology #criticalcriminology
It's a packed room here at #COP15 side event on #SustainableUse of wild species and #ValuesAssessment of nature. Trade in wild species has increased over the past 40 years, with #inequality being a key driver. #IWT
#iwt #inequality #ValuesAssessment #SustainableUse #cop15
Interval weight training was on the workout today.
Set 1 - 5 rounds
- 5 clean and jerk at 73% of 1RM
- 1 min max kettlebell head cutters (track reps)
- rest 1:15 between rounds
Set 2 - 3 rounds
- 20 devil's press
- 2 min run (track distance)
- rest 2:00 between rounds
Set 3 - 1 round
- 30 dumbbell burpees to upright row (track time)
Rest 5 minutes between sets. Use the same weight on head cutters, devil's press and DB burpees to upright row
#gym #liftheavy #crossfit #exercise #workout #iwt