Il salario minimo per noi Wobblies non rappresenta la soluzione definitiva, ma solo un punto di partenza : è e rimarrà sempre essenziale che la classe lavoratrice si organizzi e lotti collettivamente per ottenere miglioramenti significativi non solo per quanto riguarda i salari, non solo i salari di alcune categorie di persone, ma le condizioni lavorative globali di tutta la classe lavoratrice!
👉 articolo integralmente disponibile su
#salariominimo #IWW
#iww is holding its annual convention, held over (usa) labor day weekend. officers and committees report to the convention, motions and amendments to our constitution are proposed, discussed, and voted upon. nominations for office in the next calendar year are taken from the floor and online. our 9000 members have the last say, via a subsequent ballot referendum which validates or rejects votes at convention.
we are radically democratic.
Illustration by J.A. Mitchell, 1906
#education #classwar #eattherich #socialism #anarchism #communism #union #iww #wobblies #solidarity #politics
#education #classwar #eattherich #socialism #anarchism #communism #union #iww #wobblies #solidarity #politics
When my employer sat a younger apprentice recently, I advised him to call the hall to get re-assigned. Nobody had told him he could.
Fellow #unionworkers, we need to be better about explaining how our unions work. Of the 3 I've been involved with, only 1 did a decent job of this: the #IWW. We all need to emulate the #wobblies a little better.
Movie Night! Join us (or don't, you can sit separately)
Sat, Sept 2
Movie Night: The #Wobblies
7 pm
Lake Worth Playhouse
713 Lake Ave
#LakeWorthBeach , #Florida 33460
"Filmmakers ... weave history, archival film footage, interviews with former workers (now in their 80s and 90s), cartoons, original art, and classic Wobbly songs... to pay tribute to the legacy of these rebels who ... risked their lives for the many of the rights that we still have today.
#wobblies #lakeworthbeach #florida #iww
We can help you level up your organizing to beat your boss, and eventually the biggest boss of all: #Capitalism
Get in touch!
#union #UnionStrong #education #ClassWar #labor #Teachers #Schools #museum #Libraries #librarians #supportstaff #Archives #solidarity #iww #Anticapitalism
#capitalism #union #unionstrong #education #classwar #labor #teachers #schools #museum #libraries #librarians #supportstaff #archives #solidarity #iww #anticapitalism
24th September, "Celebrating the Calton Weavers" event. Sponsored by Calton Books, GreenCity Wholefoods, Red Rosa's, Allan MacDougall Solicitors and *drumroll* the Unions. :blobcat_smirk:
Gather at 1pm.
Abercromby Street Burial Ground,
309-341 Abercromby Street,
G40 2DD
Free tickets via EventBrite, limited numbers:
#Glasgow #Scotland #ScottishHistory
#IWW #Unison #Unite #RMT #PCS #UCU #WorkingClass
#workingclass #ucu #pcs #rmt #unite #unison #iww #ScottishHistory #scotland #glasgow
The Case of Joe Hill by Philip Foner was reissued in 2022 by International Publishers, with a new Foreword by Erica Smiley, executive director of Jobs with Justice that discusses developments since the book’s original publication.
#iww #anarchists #unions #hero #activism #remembering
Applies then as now -
today, perhaps even more:
"Don't mourn - Organize!"
Migrant worker, songwriter, and IWW agitator Joe Hill had shouted, "Don't mourn - Organize!" in a Salt Lake City prison yard on November 19, 1915, in front of his firing squad before the order to fire came.
#activism #remembering #iww #unions #anarchists #hero
Absolutely! And it was so cool how she was drawn to us by our sign and literally whispered that she was an anarchist. We chuckled at her (thankfully, she didn't take offense) and showed her our #IWW affiliation and she was like "Oooh, I love those guys!"
It is interesting the way that the young folks can be so blasé about things that probably would have gotten our elders ostracized or killed (we may not be so young any more but we were definitely younger than her).
We're seeing a lot of common misconceptions thrown around social media regarding the WGA/SAG-AFTRA strike. Today, I'm tackling the one that implies that artists, actors and writers somehow aren't "regular people." Check out my thoughts & feel free to share yours: #artists #art #thearts #wgastrike #sagaftrastrike #unions #workingclass #artsandculture #strikes #iww
#artists #art #thearts #wgastrike #sagaftrastrike #unions #workingclass #artsandculture #strikes #iww
Our Branch of the #IWW has been organizing & supporting tenants of Saratoga Lakeview Mobile Home Park to remain in their homes the past 2 years. Landlord Mike Giovanone has pushed most out of their homes to expand his boat storage business.
Giovanone appeared to know many solidarity-breaking tricks just as we have seen with notorious corporate union busters. The footage is sad, but, as Joe Hill said, "Don't mourn. Organize!"
Industrial Workers of the World branch meeting this coming Wednesday (16th of August) at 7pm.
It will be online only at this stage, please feel free to PM me if you are a member and wish to join.
#iww #industrialworkersoftheworld #AbolishTheWageSystem
La campagne #GuerreOuPaix du #j2s #IWW (#ItSAWonderfulWorld) a bien avancé 😉
De petits changements bien sympathiques avec une petite histoire qui avance... 😉
Par contre, certaines nouvelles cartes sont bien déséquilibrées... 😝
(Oui, bah faut bien expliquer pourquoi ma fille nous roule dessus à chaque parties 😭)
On va attaquer le scénario n°4 😈
Si vous avez des questions, posez-les !
Par contre, en fonction des questions, faites-le en MP afin de ne pas gâcher la surprise pour les autres
#itsawonderfulworld #iww #j2s #guerreoupaix
On a joué au premier scénario de la campagne #GuerreOuPaix de #IWW (#ItSAWonderfulWorld), c'était très bien !
Cela change très très légèrement le #J2S de base, donc impec'
Le deuxième scénario donne « grave envie » 😍
#j2s #itsawonderfulworld #iww #guerreoupaix
@chiefgyk3d #IWW also has a technical chapter. any donation to any union or struggling workers would also be amazing
made this last night, a system that places people into a daily grind without any hope of freedom to follow passion and improve the lives of those around us is slavey.
It’s why I joined the IWW and it’s why we need to rethink how a good society can focus on need, rather than constant growth for the very rich.
Workers make everything, yet they have no power to control production. Workers of the world unite!
#iww #mastoart #workersoftheworldunite #fuckcapitalism
Posted by (AT)IndustrialWrkr on twitter:
If you run a business or make a living from commissions making fursuits, you have a place in Textile and Leather Workers Industrial Union 410.
Those that make a living doing freelance artwork or fursona commissions you have a place in Printing and Publishing Workers Industrial Union 450
#iww #union #furry #fursuit #tweet #twitter
if you’re an #IWW member in Melbourne we’re rebuilding. branch meeting this Wednesday.
#iww #oneunionforall #joinyourunion
Boards of directors always claim to represent the community stakeholders in non-profits and coops. Really all they are is another vector that the business elite enforce their dogshit logic on even our own community institutions. If the Center had not tried to union bust the #IWW literally none of this would have happened. The workers had a better understanding of how to fix the business, but the board insisted on trying to turn a punk art shop into a boutique that offered programming classes.
#oakland #510 #berkeley #cybernetics 2/2
#iww #oakland #berkeley #cybernetics