Festival de Lenguas Indígenas en Internet
está organizando el Encuentro Latinoamericano de Activistas Digitales de Lenguas Indígenas: 22 al 24 de octubre en Antigua Guatemala. Se abre la convocatoria de becas de apoyo completas y parciales para que participen en este Encuentro.
#IndígenasTIC #IYIL2019
RT @bogreudell@twitter.com
Adding the first Noongar words to Wiktionary at @Wikimania@twitter.com! Ingrid Cumming of Perth, Australia is sustaining her ancestral language for the next generation #iyil2019
RT @AusIndigLanguag@twitter.com
Tweet in language!
Share your language no matter how much or little you know!
It’s important we use what ever language we have to maintain it, demonstrate our pride in our languages & give other people permission to reclaim their language!
#iyil2019 #indigenouslanguages
RT @garabide@twitter.com
Memorian iltzatu zaigun bizipena!
#IYIL2019 Hizkuntza Indigenen Nazioarteko Urtearen 3 kilometroak egin ditugu #korrika21 honetan elkarrekin:
🖑 @garabide@twitter.com
Munduko hizkuntzak biziberritzeko #Klika egiten auzolanean!
RT @dizhsanabani: All 10 episodes of Dizhsa Nabani are available online now: https://t.co/WyFNdESRvg The series traces efforts of #Tlacochahuaya community members to sustain & revalorize the use of the #Zapotec language in the face of anti-Indigenous discrimination. #IYIL2019 #IndigenousLanguages https://t.co/MJ5AUVqvo5
#tlacochahuaya #zapotec #iyil2019 #indigenouslanguages