Kagutsuchi (aka Hi-no-Kagutsuchi) is the Shinto god or kami of fire and is also known as Homusubi. https://www.worldhistory.org/Kagutsuchi/ #History #Agni #IzanamiandIzanagi #Kagutsuchi
#kagutsuchi #izanamiandizanagi #Agni #History
Kagutsuchi (aka Hi-no-Kagutsuchi) is the Shinto god or kami of fire and is also known as Homusubi. https://www.worldhistory.org/Kagutsuchi/ #History #Agni #IzanamiandIzanagi #Kagutsuchi
#kagutsuchi #izanamiandizanagi #Agni #History
Yomi, or Yomi-tsu-kuni, is the underworld of the Shinto religion, even if it forms no part of Shinto theology and appears only in ancient myths as told in the 8th-century CE Kojiki, notably the story of the creator gods Izanami and Izanagi. https://www.worldhistory.org/Yomi/ #History #Amaterasu #Ghost #IzanamiandIzanagi
#izanamiandizanagi #ghost #amaterasu #History
The Kojiki ('Record of Ancient Things') is the oldest book of Japanese history and the oldest text of any kind from Japan. https://www.worldhistory.org/Kojiki/ #History #Amaterasu #IzanamiandIzanagi #Kami
#Kami #izanamiandizanagi #amaterasu #History
Izanami ('she who invites') and Izanagi ('he who invites') are the primordial gods of the Shinto religion who are believed to have created the islands of Japan and given birth to many of the other Shinto gods or kami.
https://www.worldhistory.org/Izanami_and_Izanagi/ #IzanamiandIzanagi #Kagutsuchi #Kami
#Kami #kagutsuchi #izanamiandizanagi