Welchen #foss oder #floss #mastodonclient nutzt ihr unter #android ?
Getestet hab ich #shitter , #fedilab , #husky und #tusky
Gefallen mir aber nicht.
Im Einsatz hab ich aktuell den originalen #mastodonclient von #fdroid aus dem #izzyondroid repo
#foss #floss #mastodonclient #android #shitter #fedilab #husky #tusky #fdroid #izzyondroid
@Billie @maikel It isn't on the official repo just yet, but it's on #izzyondroid
⚠️ Alerta do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET) para o oeste catarinense surge no #Android com o app #BreezyWeather.
O aplicativo é especial pois, além da apresentação primorosa, permite N definições finas, como #API principal por local e outra(s) que podem complementar dados indisponíveis ou menos precisos na principal.
Assim, p.ex. fonte principal Open-Meteo e OpenWeather para alertas.
Disponível no repositório #IzzyOnDroid, compatível com F-Droid. #LGPL 3.
#android #breezyweather #api #izzyondroid #lgpl
A simple and open source PDF documents viewer.
MJ PDF is a fast, minimalist, powerful and totally free PDF viewer.
Download: https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/com.gitlab.mudlej.MjPdfReader
#FOSS #Android #OpenSource #Privacy #Reading #pdfreader #izzyondroid #FLOSS #OSS
#oss #FLOSS #izzyondroid #pdfreader #Reading #Privacy #OpenSource #Android #FOSS
Random #fdroid #izzyondroid app #recommendations
https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.adaway/ #AdAway - on non-rooted devices creates a local VPN connection filtering all ads (even from apps)
https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.unciv.app/ #unciv - open source re-implementation of Civilization 5 mechanics with simple, clean graphics. Very addicting
https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/com.hjiangsu.thunder #thunder, cross-platform #lemmy client
#Lemmy #thunder #unciv #adaway #recommendations #izzyondroid #FDroid
Vyšla aktualizace výborné mobilní aplilace #YTDLnis. Umí stahovat video/audio z YouTube, TikTok, Instagramu, Pornhub a dalších.
👉 Článek o aplikaci: https://infoek.cz/ytdlnis-umi-stahovat-videa-z-vice-nez-1000-sluzeb-2023/
#ytdlnis #mobilniaplikace #android #opensource #izzyondroid
Para los que nos gusta la app #megalodon existe una alternativa llamada #moshidon
Ninguna se encuentra de manera oficial en #fdroid pero dejo la repo de #izzyondroid al final, solo copian y pegan en config, repositorios son reposo no oficiales, dejó la web donde los encontré .
También se puede bajar de Google play, pero ya saben que intento evitarlo siempre que puedo.
La #app es prácticamente igual, pero tiene agregados muy sutiles que mejoras la comodidad del uso, como por ejemplo una pestaña en notificaciones solamente para los que seguís y activas la campanita.
Te deja agregar el timeline de otras instancias sin crearte una cuenta y podes interactuar sin problemas con esa instancia.
El repo lo encontré en una lista de reposotorios de la web gitlab que trabaja bajo una licencia #opensource proporcionada por el MIT
#megalodon #moshidon #fdroid #izzyondroid #app #opensource #tecnologia #clientemastodon #mastodon
Na některých mobilech se stává, že notifikace z výborného e-mailového klienta #FairEmail z F-Droidu nefungují.
Problém je řešitelný odinstalací aplikace a instalací z #IzzyOnDroid. 😊
Budete mít i rychlejší aktualizace, které jsou na F-Droidu vydávány pomaleji.
👉 Více o IzzyOnDroid: https://infoek.cz/jak-nainstalovat-izzyondroid-2023/
👉 Více o FairEmail: https://infoek.cz/fairemail-emailovy-klient-android-2022/
#fairemail #izzyondroid #opensource #mobilniaplikace #android
Jak do mobilu nainstalovat #IzzyOnDroid? :androidDealWithIt:
#izzyondroid #mobilniaplikace #android
KernelSU is a Kernel based root solution for Android devices. It features kernel-based su and root access management as well as a Module system based on overlayfs (similar to Magisk). KernelSU works whitelist-based: Only App that is granted root permission can access su, other apps cannot perceive su.
More Details: https://kernelsu.org/guide/what-is-kernelsu.html
#Android #FOSS #OSS #OpenSource #su #root #Magisk #Google #AndroidRooting #overlayfs #izzyondroid #kernelsu #kernel
#Kernel #kernelsu #izzyondroid #overlayfs #androidrooting #Google #Magisk #Root #su #OpenSource #oss #FOSS #Android
A streaming app with zero ads built in react native with scrapers built in python. NoFasel requires no extra premissons or accounts and is free to use forever
Download: https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/com.n00nedev.nofasel
#foss #android #oss #OpenSource #Streaming #Movies #series #Anime #python #reactnative #Amoled #Netflix #nofasel #wesima #akwam #fasel #app #IzzySoft #izzyondroid
#izzyondroid #IzzySoft #App #fasel #akwam #wesima #nofasel #Netflix #Amoled #reactnative #Python #Anime #series #Movies #Streaming #OpenSource #oss #Android #FOSS
App of the Day!
Multiple weather data providers
Weather for today and coming days
App color based on:
Current weather
(Android 12+) System color
Dark and light theme
Multiple measurement units
Works offline
Does not access your location
#app #android #wetter #weather #forecast #foss #opensource #github #fdroid #izzyondroid
#App #android #wetter #weather #forecast #foss #opensource #github #fdroid #izzyondroid
App des Tages
Prognoza (Wetter app)
#app #android #wetter #weather #forecast #foss #opensource #github #fdroid #izzyondroid
#App #android #wetter #weather #forecast #foss #opensource #github #fdroid #izzyondroid
App des Tages
Prognoza (Wetter app)
#app #android #wetter #weather #forecast #foss #opensource #github #fdroid #izzyondroid
#App #android #wetter #weather #forecast #foss #opensource #github #fdroid #izzyondroid
@nick noch mehr zu #Bookwyrm 📚 🐛 : https://gnulinux.ch/bookwyrm-der-buecherdrache-des-fediverse
Ist das die App, die vorher schon im #IzzyOnDroid -Repo war? Ist die jetzt im Haupt-Repo angekommen?
@keithnator3000 There are many #Mastodon and #Fediverse clients on #FDroid:
I have good experiences with #Tusky and #Fedilab.
If you add the #IzzyOnDroid repo, the selection is even larger, including #Megadolon : https://android.izzysoft.de/repo/apk/org.joinmastodon.android.sk
#megadolon #izzyondroid #fedilab #tusky #fdroid #fediverse #mastodon
It is not so complicated. Only donload a f-droid store like #NeoStore
And agree to install it. During the first start you will be guided to the required steps. Afterwards you need to check the selected sources (named repositories). My proposal is to enable at least Gardien and #IzzyOnDroid 😉
Afterwards yo only need to check first on this store about new apps and inly there is nothing switch back to Google or AuroraStore
Does anyone know a Misskey client for Android which is available in F-Droid or IzzyOnDroid?
I've only seen Kaiteki so far, but I can't log in there.
#misskey #mastodon #fediverse #fdroid #question #izzyondroid #client
#client #izzyondroid #question #fdroid #fediverse #mastodon #misskey
SD Maid 2/SE
SD Maid SE (aka SD Maid 2) is a file management tool for Android that specialises in maintenance. Its core purpose is freeing up space and removing unwanted data.
Features include:
Removing data that belongs to apps that are no longer installed (CorpseFinder)
Deleting expendable files, e.g. caches (AppCleaner)
User configurable filters for random files (SystemCleaner)
Scheduling actions (Scheduler)
Controling/disabling apps (AppControl)
Storage overview (StorageAnalyzer) (tbd)
SD Maid SE is the successor to SD Maid. A complete rewrite, optimized for newer Android versions, with a focus on SD Maid's most popular features. More details about SD Maid vs SD Maid SE can be found in the FAQ.
#android #floss #foss #oss #opensource #IzzyOnDroid #sdmaid
@rf @ru @by @ua @russian_mastodon
#android #floss #foss #oss #opensource #izzyondroid #sdmaid
#izzyondroid #fdroid #repositories #links #extension
@rf @russian_mastodon @ru @tech @mastogram_bot @ua @by
#izzyondroid #fdroid #repositories #links #extension