Rodrigo Lanza comprende español y un inglés muy básico. Escríbele:
Rodrigo Lanza
PO Box 33044
Ronda Universitat 23
Barcelona, Spain
#j25antifa #freeallantifas #politicalprisoners #massincarceration #torture #letterwriting #fascism #falange #carceles #prisionerospoliticos #espana #Fascismo #inmigrantes #migracion
Antifascist prisoners need us not just on July 25th, but every day. They've made huge sacrifices to keep the rest of us safe; we owe them as much support as we can offer them.
Write to them - here is a list of current antifa prisoners & their addresses>
Make sure their commissary accounts are full and their families are taken care of while they're locked up - donate to the Antifa Prisoner Support Fund
#j25antifa, #freeallantifas
Giovanni “Giova” Ghezzi, Salvatore “Ghespe” Vespertino, and Pierloreto “Paska” Fallanca were all convicted of attacking a fascist-run bookstore & a police station in Florence, Italy Salvatore and Pierloreto are presently serving their sentences of 8 and 9 years. Giovanni was released in January 2020 after serving 15 months in prison + 8 months of house arrest.
More information/how to support Ghespe & Paska:
Mikhail Kulkov is one of eight Russian antifascists arrested in 2017, by Russian FSB agents, who tortured the arrestees and then had them convicted of belonging to "the Network," a nonexistent terror cell completely fabricated by the FSB itself. Like the other arrestees in the case, Mikhail is serving a very severe prison sentence. More information about the case and how you can support Mikhail here:
#j25antifa, #mikhailkulkov, #thenetworkcase, #fsb, #russia, #antifa
#j25antifa #mikhailkulkov #thenetworkcase #FSB #russia #antifa
Yuliy Boyarshinov is one of eight Russian antifascists arrested in 2017, by Russian FSB agents, who tortured the arrestees and then had them convicted of belonging to "the Network," a nonexistent terror cell completely fabricated by the FSB itself. Like the other arrestees in the case, Yuliy is serving a very severe prison sentence. More information about the case and how you can support Yuliy here:
#j25antifa, #yuliyboyarshinov, #thenetworkcase, #fsb, #russia, #antifa
#j25antifa #yuliyboyarshinov #thenetworkcase #FSB #russia #antifa
Maxim Ivankin is one of eight Russian antifascists arrested in 2017, by Russian FSB agents, who tortured the arrestees and then had them convicted of belonging to "the Network," a nonexistent terror cell completely fabricated by the FSB itself. Like the other arrestees in the case, Maxim is serving a very severe prison sentence. More information about the case and how you can support Maxim here:
#j25antifa, #maximivankin, #thenetworkcase, #fsb, #russia, #antifa
#j25antifa #maximivankin #thenetworkcase #FSB #russia #antifa
Ilya Shakurskiy is one of eight Russian antifascists arrested in 2017, by Russian FSB agents, who tortured the arrestees and then had them convicted of belonging to "the Network," a nonexistent terror cell completely fabricated by the FSB itself. Like the other arrestees in the case, Ilya is serving a very severe prison sentence. More information about the case and how you can support Ilya here:
#j25antifa, #ilyashakurskiy, #thenetworkcase, #antifa, #russia, #fsb
#j25antifa #ilyashakurskiy #thenetworkcase #antifa #russia #FSB
Dimitriy Pchelintsev is one of 8 Russian antifascists arrested in 2017, by Russian FSB agents, who tortured the arrestees and then had them convicted of belonging to "the Network," a nonexistent terror cell completely fabricated by the FSB itself. Like the other arrestees in the case, Dimitriy is serving a very severe prison sentence. More information about the case and how you can support Dimitriy here:
#j25antifa, #dimitriypchelintsev, #thenetworkcase, #russia, #fsb
#j25antifa #dimitriypchelintsev #thenetworkcase #russia #FSB
Vasiliy Kuksov is one of eight Russian antifascists arrested in 2017, by Russian FSB agents, who tortured the arrestees and then had them convicted of belonging to "the Network," a nonexistent terror cell completely fabricated by the FSB itself. Like the other arrestees in the case, Vasiliy is serving a very severe prison sentence. More information about the case and how you can support Vasiliy here:
#j25antifa, #vasiliykuksov, #antifa, #solidarity, #thenetworkcase
#j25antifa #vasiliykuksov #antifa #solidarity #thenetworkcase
Viktor Filinkov is one of eight Russian antifascists arrested in 2017, by Russian FSB agents, who tortured the arrestees and then had them convicted of belonging to "the Network," a nonexistent terror cell completely fabricated by the FSB itself. Like the other arrestees in the case, Viktor is serving a very severe prison sentence. More information about the case and how you can support Viktor here:
#j25antifa, #viktorfilinkov #thenetworkcase, #antifa, #solidarity
#j25antifa #ViktorFilinkov #thenetworkcase #antifa #solidarity
Andrey Chernov is one of eight Russian antifascists arrested in 2017, by Russian FSB agents, who tortured the arrestees and then had them convicted of belonging to "the Network," a nonexistent terror cell completely fabricated by the FSB itself. Like the other arrestees in the case, Andrey is serving a very severe prison sentence.
More information about the case and how you can support Andrey here:
#j25antifa, #andreychernov, #thenetworkcase, #antifa, #solidarity
#j25antifa #andreychernov #thenetworkcase #antifa #solidarity
Vladislav Zenevich is an antifascist from Minsk, Belarus. In November 2020, he was arrested & severely beaten by police during the uprising against the Lukashenko regime. In February 2021, Vladislav received a three-year prison sentence.
More about Vlad and how to support him:
#j25antifa #vladislavzenevich #belarus #solidarity
Benjamin Varela was charged after shooting notoriously violent Proud Boy leader Tusitala “Tiny” Toese in the foot after he and the mob Tiny was leading physically attacked a group of anti-fascists in Olympia, WA. Benjamin is presently serving a three-year-sentence for defending fellow anti-fascists against a mob assault by Proud Boys.
More info & how you can support Benjamin:
#j25antifa #benjaminvarela #antifa #solidarity
Vitaliy is an antifascist from Belarus. In September 2020, he was arrested during the uprising against the Lukashenko regime and is presently serving a six-year prison sentence.
More about Vitaly and how you can support him here:
Write to Vitaliy (in Belarusian or Russian) here:
Shishlov Vitaly Vyacheslavovich
Vitebskaya oblast
211322 Vitba
#j25antifa #vitalyshishlov #belarus #solidarity #antifa
Jannis R. is one of four antifascists convicted in May 2023 by German courts for defending the city of Leipzig from a neo-nazis. He was sentenced to at least two years and three months in prison.
#j25antifa, #jannisr, #solidarity, #antifa
#j25antifa #jannisr #solidarity #antifa
Belarusian antifascist prisoner Hanna Pyshnik (Chympajesh) is an anti-fascist from Belarus who was arrested in March 2022 for allegedly shooting and distributing video footage of military helicopters. You can send a letter of support to Hanna here:
You can make a donation to support Hanna and her family here:
#j25antifa, #belarus, #hannapyshnik, #hannachympajesh, #solidarity
#j25antifa #belarus #hannapyshnik #hannachympajesh #solidarity
Tsimur is an antifascist from Minsk, Belarus and an ardent supporter of MTZ-RIPO FC. After participating in the uprising against the Lukashenko regime in 2020, Denis was sentenced to six years in prison.
More about Tsimur and how you can support him here:
Write to Tsimur (in Belarusian or Russian):
Tsimur Pipiya
Penal colony No. 15. 213105,
Mahilioŭ, Viejna,
Slaŭharadskaja šaša 183
#j25antifa, #timurpipiya, #belarus, #tsimurpipiya, #solidarity
#j25antifa #timurpipiya #belarus #tsimurpipiya #solidarity
@SophiaHayter She didn't even hurt anyone, just stood up to knife-wielding neo-nazis & Piss Boys who were jumping people wearing BLM shirts.
Nikki's crowdfunder:
Tamaz Pipiya is an antifascist from Minsk, Belarus and an ardent supporter of MTZ-RIPO FC. After participating in the uprising against the Lukashenko regime in 2020, Denis was sentenced to six years in prison.
More about Tamaz here:
#j25antifa, #tamazpipiya, #solidarity, #belarus
#j25antifa #tamazpipiya #solidarity #belarus
An antifascist from Brest, Belarus, Andrei/Andrey Marach was arrested in March 2021 on suspicion of criminal involvement with an anarchist organization & gross violation of public order. He was convicted in September 2022 and sentenced to five years in a penal colony + a fine of $6300USD.
Andrei’s address:
SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, Minsk, 220030
Andrey Igorevich Marach
Date of birth 10 November 1995
#j25antifa #belarus #andreimarach #andreymarach #solidarity