"the Christchurch Call to Action... [is] united by our shared objective to eliminate terrorist and other violent extremist content online and uphold the principle of a free, open and secure internet"
#JacindaArdern, 2023
Glad to see that second objective is in there. Haven't seen much sign of action on it from the #ChristchurchCall folks though.
#jacindaardern #christchurchcall #TechRegulation
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Pregnancy Quest: My Hunt for a Pregnant Avatar in the Metaverse https://jezebel.com/virtual-pregnancy-metaverse-1850443393 #Jezebel #alexandrabolshakov #gravidityandparity #theaustralianopen #humanreproduction #laurencruikshank #aurc3a9lieathan #humanpregnancy #virtualreality #markzuckerberg #serenawilliams #jacindaardern #thesuperbowl #sharonlehner #virtualworld #lucilleball #gamedesign #kekepalmer #obstetrics #pregnancy #metaverse #microsoft #sims
#jezebel #alexandrabolshakov #gravidityandparity #theaustralianopen #humanreproduction #laurencruikshank #aurc3a9lieathan #humanpregnancy #VirtualReality #markzuckerberg #serenawilliams #jacindaardern #thesuperbowl #sharonlehner #virtualworld #LucilleBall #gamedesign #kekepalmer #obstetrics #pregnancy #metaverse #microsoft #sims
Former #NewZealand Prime Minister #JacindaArdern will be joining Harvard University later this year
https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/former-new-zealand-pm-jacinda-ardern-is-now-joining-harvard-here-s-why-101682467658761.html #press
#newzealand #jacindaardern #press
Former #NewZealand Prime Minister #JacindaArdern will be joining Harvard University later this year
https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/former-new-zealand-pm-jacinda-ardern-is-now-joining-harvard-here-s-why-101682467658761.html #press
#newzealand #jacindaardern #press
Former New Zealand Prime Minister #JacindaArdern will be temporarily joining #HarvardUniversity later this year, Kennedy School Dean Douglas Elmendorf said Tuesday.
#jacindaardern #harvarduniversity #press
Former #NewZealand Prime Minister #JacindaArdern will be temporarily joining Harvard University later this year, Kennedy School Dean Douglas Elmendorf said Tuesday.
https://trib.al/6Et3emR #press
#newzealand #jacindaardern #press
Former #NewZealand Prime Minister #JacindaArdern will be joining Harvard University later this year
https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/former-new-zealand-pm-jacinda-ardern-is-now-joining-harvard-here-s-why-101682467658761.html #press
#newzealand #jacindaardern #press
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/26/jacinda-ardern-takes-up-leadership-and-online-extremism-roles-at-harvard “Former #NewZealand prime minister #JacindaArdern has taken up three new roles at #HarvardUniversity, where she will study and speak on leadership, governance and online extremism.”
#NewZealand #jacindaardern #harvarduniversity
The ‘otherness’ of Jacinda Ardern – by doing politics differently she changed the game and saved her party
#theconversation #jacindaardern
Rather than worry why #female leaders step-back from leadership roles when they find (as #JacindaArdern said) they 'no longer [have] enough in the tank', the real problem is male leaders who arrogantly carry on even when they are way off the top of their game.... still, as always, easier to blame the women, I guess.... just more #gender discrimination playing out
#female #jacindaardern #gender
On a day of constant lousy news, #JacindaArdern gave her farewell address as #NewZealand #PrimeMinster
If there's ever a world leader to revere and admire, she is on my VERY short list.💯
Her speech to Parliament is available and I recommend everyone watch and hear what she says.
#riseup #leadership #meetthemoment #PrimeMinster #newzealand #jacindaardern
@thor Well...whenever I hear about a female politician from one of those white countries in #Europe, it's because they're resigning due to a scandal (like #JacindaArdern). So it's probably because we have higher standards in the #USA 🤪 I think our women tend to be better politicians too, when they're elected. Can't remember the last time a female politician had to resign in this country due to a scandal.
#JacindaArdern says leaders can be ‘sensitive and kind’ in farewell speech https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/05/jacinda-ardern-leaders-can-be-sensitive-kind-farewell-speech-new-zealand?CMP=share_btn_tw
Jacinda Ardern se despede do Parlamento da Nova Zelândia em discurso emocionado
#PrimeiraMinistraDaNovaZelância #NovaZelândia #LiderançaFeminina #JacindaArdern #Internacional #ForbesMulher
#primeiraministradanovazelancia #novazelandia #liderancafeminina #jacindaardern #internacional #forbesmulher
Estaba yo viendo el discurso de despedida #JacindaArdern y en fin, vengo a comentar que me parece genial que una #política, una persona que lidera, venga y diga: "oye, gobernar quema y cansa, y hasta aquí he podido". Me parece estupendo que desde ese altavoz diga: no siempre hay que poder con todo. (Y romper un poco con eso de "ser una súper mujer", ya de paso)
Os dejo aquí un resumen por si os apetece hacer oído al inglés kiwi: https://youtu.be/uAvvaSr8P0Y
Katsoin tämän videon, ja tuli kyyneleitä silmiin. Sitten niitä tuli vielä enemmän, kun lopussa oli myös #JacindaArdern.
Enkä minä edes ole demari. Tai sellainen #SannaMarin -henkilöpalvoja. Mutta minä pidin hänestä. Pidin siitä, miten hän edusti maatamme.
Ja suututtaa vietävästi tämä misogynistinen maailmamme, ja se, että tulevaisuus on taas harmaiden, keski-ikäisten setien.
#jacindaardern #sannamarin #marin
Ardern’s valedictory speech was truly notable for the candour and honest admission of her essential character…acutely sensitive, at times deeply anxious, a cryer, a hugger…I simply cannot imagine the same honesty from an outgoing male PM. This is what truly distinguishes women leaders - the need not to hide behind bravado.
Suomessa: #SannaMarin lopettaa #SDP:n puheenjohtajana.
Uudessa-Seelannissa: #JacindaArdern pitää jäähyväispuheensa maan parlamentille.
Maailma on taas jotenkin ihan hlvt:n paljon ankeampi mesta. Harmaita, keski-ikäisiä uccelsseja kaikkialla.
#Marin #SDP #Ardern #Labour #politiikka #yhteiskunta #Suomi #UusiSeelanti
#sannamarin #sdp #jacindaardern #marin #ardern #labour #politiikka #yhteiskunta #suomi #uusiseelanti