Next #trpg project(s): first a short one-shot with Hard Wired Island and its amazing Cyberpunk setting, then either Agents of Dune + Masters of Dune for #Dune2d20 (Modiphius), or The Fall of the Children of Bronze for #JackalsRPG. The "drive" narrative mechanics of Dune stirs my curiosity, while The Fall of the Children of Bronze seems both more manageable and perhaps even more epic than Masters of Dune.
Any opinion on this, fellow players?
#CharacterCreationChallenge #TTRPG #jdr
So here we go, we'll start with a #jackals (#jackalsrpg) adaptation of a former character I've been playing in the French game #oikouménè: Amennekht, son of Mâakhourérè. In this version, Amennekht is a young idealist Gerwa soldier who was left for dead and ended up in the Zaharets, wounded. Ideally, he would like to go back to Ger and improve the his, and his family's, station, but he actually enjoys the freedom of being a Jackal.
#charactercreationchallenge #ttrpg #jdr #jackals #jackalsrpg #oikoumene