Tony Williams Lifetime with Jack Bruce - Live at the Beat Club 1970

Never released until now, 53 years after it was done.

Tony Williams is simply not human here, more like a machine. Indeed they all actually sound like machines at work, playing together in total musical chemistry. John McLaughlin with a Les Paul I never knew he had. The whole video looks like some video done for a band like A Certain Ratio 10 years later, dark and mysterious in some after hours club in West Berlin.

Not sure if this was the only cut they did for this tv show or they did a whole set but this channel The Beat Club on YouTube has some amazing rare footage of artists most people are not aware of and I would not be surprised if they actually do have a live set to be released. (Hopefully on CD or LP as well…)

The idea of free music and freedom of expression in general by bands like this back then is sorely missed today in a world of rehash and commerciality just for the sake of getting popular through streaming. Slight shades of Henry Cow as well. Absolutely amazing.

#tonywilliamslifetime #tonywilliams #jackbruce #johnmclaughlin #larryyoung

Last updated 1 year ago

Dan Kletter · @soundclamp
289 followers · 5661 posts · Server
StefBizar · @stefvonsexron
223 followers · 4731 posts · Server

En ook zijn werk als vormgever bleef steeds van grote invloed, getuige zijn cartoon en hommage aan uit december 1964 genaamd .
Hij richt met , lid van The Stones voor 1963 en eind jaren 70 het project op, een boogie woogie band met wisselende leden uit jazz en rockwereld.
En vanaf 1980 tourt hij regelmatig met de met en ook lid van rocket88.
In 1991 richt hij het jazz quintet

#charlieparker #highflyingbird #ianstewart #alexiskorner #rocket88 #charliewattsorchestra #evanparker #jackbruce

Last updated 1 year ago

StefBizar · @stefvonsexron
224 followers · 4713 posts · Server

In 2012 maakt ze deel uit van supergroep , met Vernon Reid, en .
Vanaf 2014 trekt ze terug op tournee met , na het uitbrengen van van , het eerste studioalbum waar ze als getrouwd koppel aan werken.
In 2020 zal ze haar laatste soloalbum tot nu toe uitbrengen, als .
Cindy heeft voor veel vrouwen een stigma doorbroken. En heeft een lans gebroken dat een rariteit geen nadeel moet zijn.

#spectrumroad #jackbruce #johnmedeski #lennykravitz #carazon #santana #givethedrummersome #cindyblackmansantana

Last updated 1 year ago

StefBizar · @stefvonsexron
226 followers · 4590 posts · Server


Peter Baker
19 augustus 1939 - 6 oktober 2019
De man die al eens wordt genoemd, Ginger voor de vrienden.
Ginger begint pas te drummen op zijn 15de, maar krijgt meteen les van één van de beste drummers in de UK, .
In 1962 voegt hij zich bij de eerste elektrische bluesband in de UK, , waar hij vervangt.
Daar ontmoet hij bassist , ze maken meer ruzie dan hen

#gingerbaker #rocksfirstsuperstardrummer #philsesamen #alexiskornersbluesincorporated #charliewatts #jackbruce

Last updated 1 year ago

Pablo Pernot · @pablopernot
203 followers · 532 posts · Server

Depuis quelques semaines tombe en amour pour cette chanson : de

#imaginarywestern #jackbruce

Last updated 1 year ago

Stefvonsexron · @stefvonsexron
215 followers · 4050 posts · Server


14 mei 1943 - 25 oktober 2014
Zijn carrière start in 1962 als bassist van de band van .
Vanaf 1963 maakt hij deel uit van waarmee hij 2 albums opneemt, maar die hij al in 1965 verlaat voor de nieuwe band rond , genaamd . Hij stopt na de opname van het album , om kortstondig lid te zijn van , en scoort zo zijn eerste nummer 1

#jackbruce #bluesincorporated #alexiscorner #thegrahambondorganisation #johnmayall #thebluesbreakers #bluesbreakerswithericclapton #manfredmann

Last updated 1 year ago

JoeChip · @JoeChip
305 followers · 2093 posts · Server

RIP Pete Brown 25 (December 1940 — 19 May 2023). A lifetime of creating poetry meant to be sung.

Pete's gone but I'll keep my front eyes peeled for oranges until my time is up.

#jackbruce #cream #petebrown

Last updated 1 year ago

White Rabbit Radio · @whiterabbitradio
21 followers · 222 posts · Server
JoeChip · @JoeChip
293 followers · 1860 posts · Server

"O the grass is burned black
By the ships coming back from the stars, golden stars
Seas turned to steam
When we boiled the dream of tomorrow, tomorrow"

- Bruce-Brown, Morning Story


#isthisthefuture #jackbruce

Last updated 2 years ago

JoeChip · @JoeChip
265 followers · 1648 posts · Server

YouTube is reprehensible in a lot of ways. Still, without it I would never have had a chance to see and hear this:

#ropeladdertothemoon #jackbruce

Last updated 2 years ago

fip 🎶 #NowPlaying Bot · @fipMusicBot
21 followers · 13619 posts · Server
LotharMucki 🦄 · @lotharmucki
86 followers · 1672 posts · Server

Moin, ihr süßen (und auch bitteren und alle anderen) Mastodöners und Mastodönerinnen (alle Sternchen mitgemeint). Es ist Freitag! 🥳 Dazu dieses Lied mit uralt Video.
Mucke aus den hören beruhigt meine , wie alt ich mittlerweile bin. .

ist ein Lappen, war auch schwierig, wahrscheinlich der Umgänglichste.
Egal, die war trotzdem unübertroffen.

Bald ist !


#we #kapelle #cream #jackbruce #gingerbaker #ericclapton #coping #angst #sixties

Last updated 2 years ago

Malleus · @Malleus
112 followers · 384 posts · Server

Perhaps a Re- is in order since there's so many more people in this space to share stories and insights with.

I'm an . I manipulate symbols and materials to effect and thus transform myself.
My practice was revealed to me in a series of trances by an ancient who has many historical forms. Some of these are the goddesses known as the Eyes of Ra. She recently revealed to me that she would like me to refer to her as . I'm not second guessing that advice.

I'm a cis het old guy (58) happy married for 25 years. I adore women. Mostly from afar.

Race- white, blue eyed ethnic jew.

My technique is centered on an apparatus I built based on a design the goddess revealed. I later connected the components and operation symbolically to equipment and processes described in classic sources.
I'm a non-traditional Alchemist. I don't use a forge or do metallurgy. My device is electrical and uses a type of to focus energy. It can roughly be described as a type of lamp. The picture shows the output of my process. It's called a .

It is commonly asserted, and I agree, that the coveted philosopher's stone refers to the practitioners themselves. As the goal of the process it is in reality the transformed person.
This is done by separating the spirit and soul from the , changing them and then re-uniting them in the body again. Carl has some interesting ideas on this.

Politically- and card carrying . I’ve been working at the same factory for 28 years.

Other areas of interest besides the are listed below.

I write songs, play electric and . Not famous at all.
A few faves-



(I know- cringe)

Food: , I'll take what I can get. Non-celiac.

Drink- wine spritzers mostly.
A pinch of goes a looooonnnng way. After 45 years of smoking I'm a total lightweight now that it's legal here. That's (officially a suburb 10 miles outside city limits), btw.

Everyone I’ve met here is awesome!
Peace and Solidarity!

#introduction #alchemist #transformations #goddess #Kemetic #Hathor #alchemy #crystal #violograph #body #jung #anarchosyndicalist #Wobbly #occult #bass #ukulele #motorhead #hankwilliams #carolinachocolatedrops #budgie #judaspriest #johnnywinter #buddyguy #hottuna #williamelliotwhitmore #jackbruce #gustavklimt #jackkirby #frankfrazetta #ernstfuchs #gilbertshelton #plotinus #herbertspencer #maxstirner #hegel #heraclitus #iamblichus #glutenfree #pinotgrigio #Weed #chicago #findfriends

Last updated 2 years ago

IngridAusOL · @IngridAusOL
291 followers · 3975 posts · Server

Bin erstmal zum Blues übergegangen mit .
Und gleich kommt mein liebstes Stück von ihm: I still got the blues for you.
Fantastisch. Hab ihn auch live in Köln im E-Werk gesehen zum 50. Jubiläum von Jack Bruce. Mit der Creme de la Creme. An 2 Abenden hintereinander.

#garymoore #jackbruce

Last updated 2 years ago

weirdherm :blobcatsweats: · @weirdofhermiston
30 followers · 202 posts · Server

This songggggg!!! god I love so much. Someday I hope I can play this at least somewhat ok.

#music #jackbruce #rock #70s

Last updated 2 years ago

Another Cinna · @AnotherCinna
94 followers · 459 posts · Server

Superb straightahead jazz concert. Creme de la creme of 70s/80s British jazz. Best credit: Jack Bruce - cello.


10pm TODAY on ⁦⁩

Charlie Watts Jazz Orchestra

A 2009 concert by the drummer's jazz ensemble, which includes , , and


#CourtneyPine #GailAnneDorsey #jackbruce #StanTrace #charliewatts

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon L Davis · @jonldavis
26 followers · 103 posts · Server

Here's a for Jack Songs by . "It often happens that when an influential musician dies, other musicians pay homage to them by releasing new versions of their music. Bassist Jeff Berlin takes a somewhat different path in his tribute to , who died in 2014."

#review #jeffberlin #jackbruce #exposeonline

Last updated 2 years ago

dmwcg · @dmwcg
43 followers · 221 posts · Server

Now playing from the collection - Fresh Cream I can’t believe the quality of this platter. So nice to have! Look at those baby faces lol

#vinyl #cream #ericclapton #gingerbaker #jackbruce #music #RockHistory

Last updated 2 years ago