#SmokeyAndTheBandit was released in movie theaters 46 years ago today.
Cledus: "Look, when we say we're gonna do a job, we do a job"
Bandit: "It's me they're after. They don't even know Cledus Snow exists"
Cledus: "Oh, they don't? Well, I'll tell you what we're gonna do. We're just gonna introduce 'em to the boy. So move over, good buddy, because The Snowman is coming through"
#smokeyandthebandit #BurtReynolds #sallyfield #jerryreed #jackiegleason #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
Tonight in 1956 — Ralph had an accident on the way to the Safest Bus Driver award ceremony on THE HONEYMOONERS.
"The Safety Award” was episode 34 of "The Classic 39."
It's streaming on PlutoTV.
#classictv #jackiegleason #1950stv #thehoneymooners
Tonight in 1955 —Ralph and Alice Kramden adopted a baby.
“The Adoption” is the only HONEYMOONERS sketch that legitimately makes me cry.
It’s part of “The Lost Episodes,” but as good as anything in "The Classic 39.”
#TheHoneymooners #ClassicTV #1950sTV #1950s #JackieGleason #AudreyMeadows
#audreymeadows #jackiegleason #1950s #1950stv #classictv #thehoneymooners
This made me laugh! Jackie Gleason and Bob Hope, doing a drag show in Central Park in 1975. These two were hilarious 🤣🤣😂😂 #comedy #jackiegleason #BobHope #oldies
#comedy #jackiegleason #bobhope #Oldies
It is a good thing that Jackie Gleason and Bob Hope aren't alive, and doing a show in Nashville, or Memphis. The Tennessee governor would have them working a PRISON chain-gang one night after their concert
#popculture #bobhope #jackiegleason #humor
For the #RightWing, #DragShowBans have never been about the children or the clothes or the #comedy.
They have always been about the cruelty.
I'm old enough to remember this. It wasn't the only time they were in drag. I can still hear #BobHope's voice in my head, complaining about how his girdle is killing him, on one of his many TV shows.
You also have:
* "Uncle Milty" #MiltonBerle, who was famous for his #drag comedy.
* #FlipWilson, who repeatedly donned a dress to play "Geraldine Jones" with hilarity.
* #DustinHoffman as #Tootsie.
* #RobinWilliams as #MrsDoubtfire.
* The entire cast of #MontyPython.
* Kids watched an animated #Mulan passing as a male and #BugsBunny in drag.
* And who can forget #HarveyKorman on "The #CarolBurnett Show", as "Mother Marcus" in "As the Stomach Churns."
#DragShows #LGBTQ #LGBTQRights #LGBTQRightsAreHumanRights #ClassicTV #TVHistory #MovieHistory #JackieGleason #GroomingChildren #DragQueens
#bobhope #miltonberle #drag #flipwilson #dustinhoffman #tootsie #robinwilliams #mrsdoubtfire #montypython #mulan #bugsbunny #harveykorman #carolburnett #rightwing #dragshowbans #comedy #dragshows #lgbtq #lgbtqrights #lgbtqrightsarehumanrights #classictv #tvhistory #moviehistory #jackiegleason #groomingchildren #dragqueens
46 years ago:
Mr. Billion (US)
A fortuneless auto mechanic inherits a billion dollar financial empire when his uncle dies. However, there is one stipulation. In order to claim his fortune he must arrive in San Francisco within twenty days, and along the way there are a number of people who want to "share" his wealth.
#MrBillion #TerenceHill #ValeriePerrine #JackieGleason #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#mrbillion #terencehill #valerieperrine #jackiegleason #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
“It was always so much fun being around him….He was never depressed by failure or seduced by applause. He couldn’t stand snobbery, fakes, or social climbers. Jackie was street people. He related to the masses."
— #AudreyMeadows
#JackieGleason (1916–1987) was born on this day.
#1950stv #1950s #classictv #thehoneymooners #jackiegleason #audreymeadows
40 years ago:
The Sting II (US)
Hooker and Gondorf pull a con on Macalinski, an especially nasty mob boss with the help of Veronica, a new grifter. They convince this new victim that Hooker is a somewhat dull boxer who is tired of taking dives for Gondorf. There is a ringer. Lonigan, their victim from the first movie, is setting t...
#TheStingII #JackieGleason #TeriGarr #KarlMalden #Universal #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thestingii #jackiegleason #terigarr #karlmalden #universal #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
“Audrey is beyond description. She throws you a line and you hit a home run with it every night.”
— #JackieGleason
#AudreyMeadows (1922–1996) was #BornOnThisDay.
#nostalgia #1950stv #1950s #classictv #thehoneymooners #bornonthisday #audreymeadows #jackiegleason
Posting a couple of original drawings in celebration of the Citizen Kane of the carsploitation genre! Here's some Smokey and the Bandit art in honor of this TCM presentation!
#TCMParty #SmokeyAndTheBandit #HalNeedham #BurtReynolds #SallyField #JerryReed #JackieGleason #1970s #70sMovies #RoadMovies #FanArt #MastoArt #Art
#TCMParty #smokeyandthebandit #halneedham #burtreynolds #sallyfield #jerryreed #jackiegleason #1970s #70smovies #roadmovies #FanArt #MastoArt #art
On January 8, 2010 Skidoo was screened as a single-feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some original Jackie Gleason art to celebrate!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #Skidoo #OttoPreminger #JackieGleason #DrugFilm #HippieMovies #CrimeComedy #ParodyFilm #Parody #DrugMovies #StonerComedy #StonerFilm #1960s #60sCinema #FanArt
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #skidoo #ottopreminger #jackiegleason #drugfilm #hippiemovies #crimecomedy #parodyfilm #parody #drugmovies #stonercomedy #stonerfilm #1960s #60scinema #FanArt
On December 19, 1968 Skidoo debuted in the United States. Here's an original drawing of Jackie Gleason to celebrate!
#Skidoo #JackieGleason #PenDrawing #Art #CultCinema #StonerMovies #HippieMovies #DrugMovies #ExploitationFilm #FanArt #ComedyMovies #TCMUnderground
#skidoo #jackiegleason #pendrawing #art #cultcinema #stonermovies #hippiemovies #drugmovies #exploitationfilm #FanArt #comedymovies #tcmunderground
#ArtCarney, #JackieGleason and #AudreyMeadows rehearsing #TheHoneymooners in 1956.
#classictv #thehoneymooners #audreymeadows #jackiegleason #artcarney