StefBizar · @stefvonsexron
223 followers · 4752 posts · Server

ingespeeld en gezongen. zal op X-Static meespelen.
Dave twijfelt of hij nu op eigen benen gaat staan of bij een band en speelt even bij .
Hij wordt zelfs genoemd bij , maar gaat met de eer lopen.
Er is interesse naar de demo's van Grohl en hij begint een band rond zich te verzamelen, eerste banlid wordt ouwe rot en Nirvana tour gitarist en twee leden van gesplitte emorock band , en .
Krist zou

#gregdulli #tompetty #PearlJam #jackirons #patsmear #sunnydayrealestate #williamgoldsmith #natemendel

Last updated 1 year ago

9 o'clock Nasty · @9oclocknasty
44 followers · 171 posts · Server
Mirella · @PJMirella
467 followers · 4917 posts · Server

Whale Song was never played live, so here is something else:

#jackirons #eddievedder #mikemccready

Last updated 2 years ago

Slow Motion Walter · @thermous
58 followers · 2747 posts · Server

I'll never understand why Eleven never got the recognition they deserved. I only discovered them because their eponymous album's cover caught my eye while flipping through the $3 discount bin circa 1993.

I flipped the jewel-case over and read the back, and saw that Jack Irons was the drummer, and I gave it a spin on the in-store CD player and it was fucken gooooood

It was such a delight later on to discover their cross pollination with some of my other favorite artists (Alain and Natasha were a big part of the sound of Chris Cornell's Euphoria Mourning, and they also featured prominently on Queens of the Stone Age's Lullabies to Paralyze)

RIP Natasha Shneider 😔

#desertrock #jackirons #natashashneider #alainjohannes #eleven #powertrio #tootradio #np #nowplaying

Last updated 4 years ago