Daily Sketch Challenge 21/07/23: Silver Surfer.
Ralph Phillips, RoboCop, Rogue, Shazam, Silver Surfer. Basically the guy who set this week's challenges had a big list of subjects and was working through them in alphabetical order. Which is fair enough. Any excuse to do a bit of Jack Kirby fanart!
#dailysketchchallenge #silversurfer #silver_surfer #jackkirbyfanart #NorrinRadd #norrin_radd
#dailysketchchallenge #SilverSurfer #silver_surfer #jackkirbyfanart #norrinradd #norrin_radd
Daily Sketch Challenge 31/03/23: Orion.
Not the first time I've drawn him, but it has been a while. And now I'm reminded that I ought to practice drawing him and Thor a bit, should I wish to redraw my Thor vs Orion picture.
#dailysketchchallenge #orion #newgods #jackkirbyfanart #fourthworld
#dailysketchchallenge #orion #newgods #jackkirbyfanart #fourthworld
Machine Man, aka Robot X-51, aka Aaron Stack. Created by Jack Kirby for one of the issues of 2001: A Space Odyssey. First encountered him as a backup strip in Marvel UK's Transformers comic, where he went to the distant future of 2020, and met Arno Stark, the Iron Man of 2020. Tried and failed to do the King justice by emulating his heavy shading style.
#machineman #marchofrobots2023 #marchofrobots #aaronstack #x51 #robot #marvel #jackkirbyfanart
#machineman #marchofrobots2023 #marchofrobots #aaronstack #x51 #robot #Marvel #jackkirbyfanart